Map are still there even when i remowed it from CS folder.....

Map are still there even when i remowed it from CS folder.....

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2012 Mar 5 • 7
How come that i still can start a server and play a map that i have removed from the cstrike folder ???
Is the map in several folders or what or is steam doing magic things here ?
2012 Mar 7 at 14:43 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
It's because hlds and steam are seperated.
Free Steam Games
2012 Mar 7 at 23:50 UTC
2012 Mar 5 • 7
So what can i do to remove a map from the game ?
2012 Mar 9 at 09:08 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Go to where you have installed hlds, then go to cstrike/maps and delete your map. Then go to your steamapps counter strike folder and delete the map from there too, dumbshit
Free Steam Games
2012 Mar 10 at 00:14 UTC
2012 Mar 5 • 7
Dear mr SRAW, u seem to be a very nice and polite person. Thank u very mutch for your help, really...thank u.
However, i dont have any HLDS installed only CS ( the staemapps ).
Problem is when ever i start a new game, the old deleted map is still there.
2012 Mar 10 at 06:39 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
You trying to delete a map that comes with Cs or a user made map.?

and dont mind sraw hes retarded
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2012 Mar 11 at 02:30 UTC
2012 Mar 5 • 7
Hi, the map is a " made it myself "- map.
I really wanna know how to remove it.....
Who is Sraw ? ;)
2012 Mar 11 at 15:18 UTC
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