Making Rocks

Making Rocks

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Jun 27 • 7
19 ₧
How do I make a big rock in my map ? Ty in advance
2006 Jun 28 at 05:56 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Make a big brush with a rocky texture on it.

Use the clip tool and slice off all the corners at odd angles.


Here's a picture of me making the last slice on my rock:

Hint: Slice the corners in ALL THREE 2d views.

HINT 2: Never use the clip tool for non-natural stuff. It's ok for rocks and debris, NOT for everywhere. It can corrupt your map BAD if overused.
2006 Jun 28 at 07:34 UTC
2006 Jun 27 • 7
19 ₧
"superjer" said:
Make a big brush with a rocky texture on it.

Use the clip tool and slice off all the corners at odd angles.


Here's a picture of me making the last slice on my rock:

Hint: Slice the corners in ALL THREE 2d views.

HINT 2: Never use the clip tool for non-natural stuff. It's ok for rocks and debris, NOT for everywhere. It can corrupt your map BAD if overused.

Jer..... Will you marry me?
2006 Jun 28 at 09:45 UTC
Page [1]