Hey all,
I really need someone who's very experienced in Hammer to help me out in this problem.. or maybe people that knows how to do this easily!
Ok so I am making this map that's similar to fun_allinone BUT the difference is that there's one spawn instead of two.. so basically the CTs and the Ts are at the same area where they are going to choose what arena they will go to..
Now, my biig biig huge problem is in the teleport rooms (where they take you to the arenas).. I have NO idea (since I am still most definately a noob in hammer) how to make one room teleport cts on one side and ts on the other side (so they don't get teleported to the same exact point; that wouldn't be fun).
I really really need your (anyone) help in this.. And I do want to ask (since I am a total noob in hammer) if you can please explain it to me in detail on how to do it..
P.S.: I am pretty sure this can be done since there's a map (i think it's a fun map; i.e. fun_something.bsp) that I played before where CTs+Ts starts together underwater and they have to swim to the nearest teleport room to pick the arena.
P.P.S.: I am making a map for 1.6 using Hammer 3.4 with all the fgd files that I need to get it done.
P.P.S(2): I can upload the source file of my map to whoever wants to see what I have so far and maybe they can help me out from there (if that's possible).
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2008 Nov 4 at 21:51 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Nov 8 at 20:01 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I think there have been many forum questions on this. Try searching :)
In fact, maybe there's... no, nothing coming from me memory. Ah well.
2008 Nov 5 at 00:43 UTC
Down Rodeo said: I think there have been many forum questions on this. Try searching :)
In fact, maybe there's... no, nothing coming from me memory. Ah well.
I don't believe that there's anything like this anywhere.. I've looked everywhere.. I even tried to search for the map name.. but i had 0 luck in finding that out!  So I don't know the map name so I can show you a live example of what I am talking about..
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2008 Nov 5 at 01:09 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Nov 5 at 01:22 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
The difficulty is that I don't know of any way to make a teleport work for one team only. There aren't a lot of team-based triggers.
2008 Nov 5 at 01:22 UTC
Down Rodeo said: The difficulty is that I don't know of any way to make a teleport work for one team only. There aren't a lot of team-based triggers.
Well that's probably why I said I need help with people that REALLY knows how to do those stuff in Hammer. :)
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2008 Nov 5 at 01:23 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Hence why I was searching in the forum; entities (generally speaking) are not team-based. There have been questions asked about it before, see.
2008 Nov 5 at 11:32 UTC
YOU'RE just gonna have to separate the t's and the ct's.....make an invisible barrier b/w them and no one will know the difference.
2008 Nov 5 at 19:09 UTC
Down Rodeo said: Hence why I was searching in the forum; entities (generally speaking) are not team-based. There have been questions asked about it before, see.
Well I don't know about that.. but I am sure that it can be done since there's a map out there that's just like that! If I can only just remember the name of it!
flameir said: YOU'RE just gonna have to separate the t's and the ct's.....make an invisible barrier b/w them and no one will know the difference.
Huh?! How do you do that.. can you please explain that to me in detail on how to do it?
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2008 Nov 5 at 23:07 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Nov 5 at 23:24 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
CLIP brushes are invisible, allow grenades and bullets through but not players.
2008 Nov 6 at 09:04 UTC
yup. and since according to you, the spawn areas are the same and there arent gonna be any guns or grenades there so its all cool.
2008 Nov 7 at 08:21 UTC
Again (I am still a noob in Hammer).. What are the CLIP brushes again? Are they like invisible walls? and if so how is that going to help me.. My problem is when the players get teleported I want them to spawn in two different places (in the arenas) CTS on the CT side and Ts on the T side.  s
And actually when they spawn they have knives and nades.
You know what, I have uploaded a compiled bsp of what I got so far, so you guys can see how it is.
NOTE: You will see 4 doors when you fall down from spawn.. 3 of them are suppose to teleport people to the arenas (which they aren't working right now of course), and one will kill you. There's one door that will teleport you to a test room where I attempted to try to get it to teleport cts and ts to different spawns.
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2008 Nov 8 at 19:25 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Nov 8 at 20:12 UTC
1) clip brushes are normal brushes that are textured with clip on all sides...u can find them in your .wads. type CLIP in your search thing in the texture window. so when u have a clip brush, its a brush that when compiled in a playable map, will be invisible but will block players from going through it, but it will allow bullets and grenades to go through....
2) like Down Rodeo said earlier, entities arent team based so u cant have one teleport entity that teleports cts and ts to different places. best thing to do wud be that u make a spawn area.....separate the ts and cts with a clip brush and make identical teleport doors on both ends. then you can get them to teleport to their respective positions in the 'fighting arena'.
-to change teleport targets all you have to do is open the properties of ur teleport brush and change the 'target' to the name of ur teleport destination entity.....
hope that solves youre problem.
2008 Nov 9 at 10:25 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Nov 9 at 10:28 UTC
Hmm that does solve my problem without redoing the whole map but it's not exactly what I wanted.. Oh well I guess I am going to have to go with that!
I know there's a map out there that you start underwater (both CTs and Ts) and whoever swims to the nearest door (teleport room) he/she will pick the arena that everybody will go to.. and both CTs and Ts go into the same room then they get teleported to the arena but into different spawns. oh well.. If I can ONLY remember the name of the map!
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2008 Nov 10 at 03:48 UTC
hmmmmm....u say that they spawn underwater then swin to a door and whoever gets there first chooses the arenas frm diffrent choices?
.....if thats correct then u cud make that 'design' and make it so that no1 cn gt into the door after the first person. then he/she will choose the arena, but as to how u wl get the others to teleport there is beyond me....
2008 Nov 10 at 13:21 UTC
oh wait....
unless u make doors ling the wall of the underwater spawn site and make them so that only one of them opens and tht too the one which the person who got to the teleport room and choose the arena. that arena's respective door should open only, on both sides (T and CT)....then the other players will have no choice but to teleport to the arena of choice.....
....complicated, i kno. but its ur best option so far....
2008 Nov 10 at 13:24 UTC
I think u got what I was saying wrong..
Both CTs and Ts spawn together in one spawn there's no two spawns.. only one where both steam spawn in.. then whoever swims to the nearest door and presses the button the door will open (which also disables all the other doors for the round) then they go inside the door then they get teleported to the arena.. but from the same teleport area cts and ts get seperated when they get to the arena into two different areas or spawns..
I forgot what that map is called though
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2008 Nov 11 at 05:16 UTC
i siad two spawns coz theyre gna b separated by the clip brush....
and i have no idea hw one teleport brush cud make ts and cts teleport in diff areas......
2008 Nov 11 at 10:46 UTC
Ah gotcha.! :D
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2008 Nov 11 at 21:56 UTC
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