hlcsg problem

hlcsg problem

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
Iron Arc
2006 Jul 25 • 3
18 ₧
when i run my mapname.bat, the error

hlcsg: Error: Error opening test.map: No such file or directory

shows up and i'm not to clear what that means, i've looked through the forms and made small changes here and there, but still no change. I have all the hlbsp, hlcsg, hlrad, hlvis along with the .bat and map file in the same folder. If you need anymore info plz ask, i'll gladly try to give you what ever info i can.
2006 Jul 26 at 00:06 UTC
Iron Arc
2006 Jul 25 • 3
18 ₧
I figured out the problem to the first part, but now i can't get the map to load, it starts up Counter Strike Source, but how do i get the map to load up. I tried creating a server and selecting the map and throwing a bot in there with me to try and run it, but it didn't work?
2006 Jul 26 at 02:41 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
You shouldn't be running it in Source... my tutorials are for CS 1.6 or earlier.

If you want to make Source maps, it works similarly. You need to get the Steam version of Hammer though. It is free and on the Tools tab, part of Source SDK.

You don't even need to set it up, and you can use the built-in F9 compile because it works just fine. (Meaning you don't need the .bat file stuff)

I don't make Source maps though so you might want to find another forum for help with that because I'm not an expert with Source. :P
2006 Jul 26 at 05:29 UTC
Iron Arc
2006 Jul 25 • 3
18 ₧
LoL, well your better then you think, i followed your instructions thinking they would work on Source and they did for the most part, so round of appluse for ya superjer. Well thanks for the replie and letting me know : )
2006 Jul 26 at 15:41 UTC
Page [1]