Help...Please...compiling problem...yes me to...

Help...Please...compiling problem...yes me to...

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2008 Jun 13 • 17
my problem is compiling i think
a may have some problems explaining my self because i
2008 Jun 13 at 15:20 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jun 13 at 15:24 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
What you have there is a list of brushes that are "outside the world".
You can find them: in Hammer, go to Map-> Go to brush number...
Enter the information the error gives you (entity# , brush#). Hammer will select the brush you are looking for.
May contain traces of invisible text.
2008 Jun 13 at 17:11 UTC
2008 Jan 31 • 69
it means that some of your brushes are at the edge of the space where you can build your map . you must move all brushes away from the edge of the grid . just select the whole thing by dragging a box around them with selection tool , and move it to the middle
Im taking grammar lessons , so i can explain my problems better :D
2008 Jun 13 at 19:34 UTC
2008 Jun 13 • 17
ok...i've done what you have said and i selected the hole thing and drag it out from the ledges but it still keeps failing when i run the .bat file
this is the error that i get in the ESFN.err file (ESFN it's the name of the map)
hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 0: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4111,-4107)-(4108,3163,-3908)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 1: outside world(+/-4096): (-4088,-4103,-3980)-(-4008,3151,-3781)

hlcsg: Error: brush outside world
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 0: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4111,-4107)-(4108,3163,-3908)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 1: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4119,-3976)-(-3992,3167,-3785)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 0: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4111,-4107)-(4108,3163,-3908)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 1: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4119,-3976)-(-3992,3167,-3785)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 0: outside world(+/-4096): (-4120,-4127,-4103)-(4124,3179,-3912)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 1: outside world(+/-4096): (-4088,-4103,-3962)-(-4008,3151,-3799)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 0: outside world(+/-4096): (-4120,-4127,-4103)-(4124,3179,-3912)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 0: outside world(+/-4096): (-4120,-4127,-4103)-(4124,3179,-3912)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 7: outside world(+/-4096): (-2586,-4103,-3488)-(-1436,3151,-3400)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 7: outside world(+/-4096): (-2602,-4119,-3484)-(-1420,3167,-3404)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 11: outside world(+/-4096): (-1125,-4103,-3288)-(66,3087,-3236)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 7: outside world(+/-4096): (-2586,-4103,-3470)-(-1436,3151,-3418)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 12: outside world(+/-4096): (130,-4103,-3321)-(689,2547,-2757)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 17: outside world(+/-4096): (625,-4119,-2825)-(1871,3103,-2745)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 20: outside world(+/-4096): (1991,-4103,-2651)-(2215,2509,-2558)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 20: outside world(+/-4096): (1975,-4119,-2647)-(2231,2525,-2562)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 25: outside world(+/-4096): (601,-4119,-2817)-(1791,-3999,-2690)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 25: outside world(+/-4096): (617,-4103,-2803)-(1775,-4015,-2704)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 28: outside world(+/-4096): (-4088,-4103,-3962)-(-2946,-4015,-3799)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 35: outside world(+/-4096): (-1839,-4103,-3472)-(-1093,-4007,-3170)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 36: outside world(+/-4096): (-1832,-4103,-3488)-(-1085,-4007,-3186)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 35: outside world(+/-4096): (-1855,-4119,-3468)-(-1077,-3991,-3174)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 39: outside world(+/-4096): (-1832,-4103,-3536)-(-1085,-4007,-3234)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 35: outside world(+/-4096): (-1839,-4103,-3454)-(-1093,-4007,-3188)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 39: outside world(+/-4096): (-1848,-4119,-3532)-(-1069,-3991,-3238)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 42: outside world(+/-4096): (-1832,-4103,-3565)-(-1085,-4007,-3299)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 39: outside world(+/-4096): (-1832,-4103,-3518)-(-1085,-4007,-3252)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 83: outside world(+/-4096): (-3338,2477,-4107)-(-2475,2573,-3379)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 84: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,3055,-3980)-(-3209,3151,-3845)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 83: outside world(+/-4096): (-3354,2461,-4103)-(-2459,2589,-3383)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 84: outside world(+/-4096): (-4120,3039,-3976)-(-3193,3167,-3849)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 84: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,3055,-3962)-(-3209,3151,-3863)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 117: outside world(+/-4096): (-3277,2543,-4124)-(-2475,3087,-3440)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 120: outside world(+/-4096): (-4105,-4111,-3980)-(4044,-4071,-908)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 117: outside world(+/-4096): (-3293,2527,-4120)-(-2459,3103,-3444)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 120: outside world(+/-4096): (-4121,-4127,-3976)-(4060,-4055,-912)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 122: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4103,-3980)-(-4056,3151,-924)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 120: outside world(+/-4096): (-4121,-4127,-3976)-(4060,-4055,-912)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 122: outside world(+/-4096): (-4120,-4119,-3976)-(-4040,3167,-928)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 122: outside world(+/-4096): (-4120,-4119,-3976)-(-4040,3167,-928)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 122: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4103,-3962)-(-4056,3151,-942)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 122: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4103,-3962)-(-4056,3151,-942)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 133: outside world(+/-4096): (-3400,-4103,-4081)-(-2506,-4007,-3367)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 138: outside world(+/-4096): (-1849,-4103,-3528)-(-1103,-4007,-3226)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 137: outside world(+/-4096): (-1865,-4111,-3508)-(-1087,-3983,-3214)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 138: outside world(+/-4096): (-1865,-4119,-3524)-(-1087,-3991,-3230)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 138: outside world(+/-4096): (-1849,-4103,-3510)-(-1103,-4007,-3244)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (-1849,-4103,-3575)-(-1103,-4007,-3273)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 142: outside world(+/-4096): (-1849,-4103,-3591)-(-1103,-4007,-3289)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 143: outside world(+/-4096): (-1849,-4103,-3589)-(-1103,-4007,-3323)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 156: outside world(+/-4096): (-196,-4103,-3369)-(679,-4015,-2686)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 156: outside world(+/-4096): (-212,-4119,-3365)-(695,-3999,-2690)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 161: outside world(+/-4096): (1552,-4103,-2790)-(2473,-4015,-2150)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 166: outside world(+/-4096): (1648,-4103,-2895)-(2494,-4015,-2275)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 167: outside world(+/-4096): (1665,-4103,-2932)-(2511,-4015,-2311)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 166: outside world(+/-4096): (1632,-4119,-2891)-(2510,-3999,-2279)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 169: outside world(+/-4096): (-4120,-4119,-992)-(2462,3167,-912)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 171: outside world(+/-4096): (2406,-4111,-4089)-(4108,4111,-4037)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 169: outside world(+/-4096): (-4120,-4119,-992)-(2462,3167,-912)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 169: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4103,-978)-(2446,3151,-926)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 169: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4103,-978)-(2446,3151,-926)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 220: outside world(+/-4096): (-779,-4103,-3027)-(-321,-3688,-2943)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 221: outside world(+/-4096): (-779,-4103,-3353)-(-321,-3688,-3269)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 220: outside world(+/-4096): (-795,-4119,-3023)-(-305,-3672,-2947)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 223: outside world(+/-4096): (-381,-4119,-3337)-(-305,-3672,-2959)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 220: outside world(+/-4096): (-779,-4103,-3009)-(-321,-3688,-2961)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 223: outside world(+/-4096): (-365,-4103,-3323)-(-321,-3688,-2973)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 228: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4103,-996)-(2446,3151,-908)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 228: outside world(+/-4096): (-4120,-4119,-992)-(2462,3167,-912)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 228: outside world(+/-4096): (-4120,-4119,-992)-(2462,3167,-912)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 228: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4103,-978)-(2446,3151,-926)

hlcsg: Error: Entity 0, Brush 228: outside world(+/-4096): (-4104,-4103,-978)-(2446,3151,-926)

2008 Jun 13 at 20:40 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jun 13 at 20:42 UTC
2008 Jan 31 • 69
well i think you didn't do it right , there still are brushes outside or to close to the edge , make sure that no brushes are close to that space that is only black with no grids .
if your brushes are close to the edge then you get the same error .
they shouldn't be toughing the edge in all 4 views
Im taking grammar lessons , so i can explain my problems better :D
2008 Jun 13 at 20:51 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Looking at the numbers I'd guess that your brushes are huuuuuuuuuuuge. Try scaling them down a bit. For reference, a person is what, about 100 units high? Correct me if I'm wrong.
2008 Jun 13 at 21:41 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
Not 128? I don't remember... Anyway, your map must be very big.
May contain traces of invisible text.
2008 Jun 14 at 00:12 UTC
Homicidal Anatidae

2008 Mar 5 • 1169
633 ₧
Does any errors show up in the error-report (Alt+P)?
2008 Jun 14 at 07:44 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
or maybe u made an invalid object and somtimes it wont compile
and ur .map will be messed up
Free Steam Games
2008 Jun 14 at 08:27 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2008 Jun 14 at 17:45 UTC
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