Vidja Games — Page 1 [2]
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Actually there's a specific phone-insta-retry thing. It's neat.
2008 Jun 1 at 13:41 UTC

Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II 1st Place Medal
2007 Sep 14 • 79
1,301 ₧
Yes, but I would like to start back at the actual mission place, not back at the house I got the mission from.
SRAW said:
hey a rare cameo by adhesive
2008 Jun 1 at 18:10 UTC
Count Adelaide

Roar Of The Tigress Medal
2007 Jun 24 • 84
68 ₧
adhesive said:
Yes, but I would like to start back at the actual mission place, not back at the house I got the mission from.

The last mission i know u start over half way.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war.
Down Rodeo said:
Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that
2008 Jun 1 at 22:12 UTC
IS what she said.

2007 Oct 21 • 912
41 ₧
BECAUSE itz a long-ass mission
But even then, I had my honor. The largest Banora White tree grew on a wealthy man's estate. It was rumored, that those apples tasted the best, but I never stole from that tree, because the wealthy man's son, was my friend...
2008 Jun 5 at 00:50 UTC
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