from .bsp to /rmf

from .bsp to /rmf

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2007 Jan 13 • 39
12 ₧
see a friend of myn made a mad but had to reboot his comp so he lost his .rmf files for it and wants to modify the map so how can he make it from a bsp to rmf again??
2007 Mar 5 at 03:35 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
He's pretty much going to have to start over.

You can try BSPTwoMAP or WinBSPC but there is no way to recover the original RMF. Both of those programs do an OK job but are sloppy.
2007 Mar 5 at 03:57 UTC
2007 Jan 13 • 39
12 ₧
kk thanks ill give him those see how they work out thanks for your help
2007 Mar 5 at 13:10 UTC
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