FormMail ignoring $postmaster

FormMail ignoring $postmaster


2009 May 13 • 905
17 ₧
I have configured FormMail with $POSTMASTER='' but when I receive emails it has generated, the from/replyto are ''. I'm using SendMail, perhaps there is some config on that end overriding what I pass? Any idea as to why my postmaster address is not 'working?'

2011 Apr 29 at 19:56 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6675
I usually have to call sendmail with

sendmail -f from@address.tld

or it won't play nice. It really doesn't want to send any mail from an "unknown" address. But I suck at mail systems.
2011 May 2 at 20:07 UTC — Ed. 2011 May 2 at 20:07 UTC

2009 May 13 • 905
17 ₧
Oh silly, the only thing you suck at is sucking at things. Much like Jesus, omnipotent to the point of being able to microwave a burrito so hot that he himself couldn't eat it. Everybody's got a kryptonite, and yours is being bad at stuff.

Yeah, mail systems are teh stupid. So I guess I'll have to modify since that's where the call to SendMail is made. Bah humbug, and thanks.
2011 May 2 at 23:54 UTC

2009 May 13 • 905
17 ₧
As is usually the case, the resolution of this issue involved me ceasing some small piece of my massive nubd0m. $POSTMASTER was getting all sorts of jiggy, as I found out when I attempted to send an undeliverable email. I simply misunderstood it's function - the verbage in the manual led me to believe that it would display as the FROM and/or REPLYTO address(es) but all it actually does is provide an address to send undeliverable notifications to, nothing more. I didn't have to modify the call to SENDMAIL at all, the answer was as simple as an input on the HTML form named EMAIL.

2011 May 4 at 15:16 UTC
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