Foram Features Fupdates!

Foram Features Fupdates!

General — Page [1]

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Persistent logins across devices!

You should be able to stay logged in across multiple devices for at least 1 year, as long as you checked the "Stylishly" box. This one is hard to debug so let me know if you have problems.

Before, logging in on another device would always log you out everywhere else.

Lost password help!

If you forget your password, there is now recourse! Just click the "Lost password?" link on the login page and follow the structions. You'll need to know your account email though. This is to prevent spam.

Visible password option!

On the register and account edit pages, you can optionally show your password instead of the dots/asterisks. Don't use this if someone is looking over your shoulder, though.
2014 Apr 22 at 00:59 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Next up is better mobile compatibility. Let me know if you have any special requests.
2014 Apr 22 at 01:00 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
OK so the Forams is a bit more mobile friendly now. At least the main page, subforums, and trucks.

If you'd like to be a dear, try it out on your device and let me know how it looks.
2014 Apr 22 at 03:31 UTC
My points value is a hilarious example of numerical humor.

2009 Dec 13 • 567
80,085 ₧
Add games pls
2014 Apr 22 at 08:16 UTC

2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
I'm not sure it works how it's supposed to. For Windows phone, atleast.

Supforumcom.jer without clicking/zooming anything after going to the url:

After zooming out as far out as possible:

Makes text really hard to read because of phone size. I can't see any difference between this and the computer version.


I think the HTML screwed itself up a bit. Possible Internet Explorer Windows Phone issue.

Inside truck:

This works fine. A "problem" is that the black pixel to the right of the post is basicly invisible since it's so small and next to the black border of my phone. It makes it feel like you can scroll to the right when you can't. If you made the message-box a bit smaller than the full width of the phone it would probably be better.

Another picture of subferim:

Look at the scroll bar to the right. There is so many trucks per page and they're relatively tall compared to the computer version. It's like a waterfall of trucks. Truckerfall. Truckfall. Watertruck. Truckwater...
Also, if you look at the placement of the boxes around the text they're incorrect unless the name of the truck has 2 rows of text.
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2014 Apr 22 at 15:20 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Thanks buq. Your screens are very valuable. Everything is supposed to fit without scrolling sideways, but it's not supposed to be entirely pretty. I don't want to make a second version of the html for that. Just as long as it works.

It's definitely wrong on the main page. I'll see what I can do with your suggestions. Soon.
2014 Apr 22 at 20:04 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Seems relatively legit on my phone. I can't take pictures right now, sorry. I don't remember it being a huge problem before!
2014 Apr 28 at 21:01 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Thanks for checking.

The new version should stretch to fit your screen on all pages and never scroll horizontally (except maybe account-edit).

It didn't do that before, or if it did, it was a lucky coincidence.

It should drop some of the styling like the raised border bits on each post.

The main page and the truck lists now use 2 rows for each item instead of cramming it all on one.

Images and videos, incl. avatars, are limited to 100 or 200px wide.

This all works as well if you unwiden your browser window enough on desktop.
2014 Apr 28 at 23:09 UTC — Ed. 2014 Apr 28 at 23:11 UTC

2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
mainpage is now sized correctly in width:

Posts are not sized correctly in width anymore:

This text on the dropdown list isn't located properly:

Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2014 Apr 29 at 15:09 UTC
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