Fatal Error???

Fatal Error???

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Mar 4 • 14
22 ₧
wat should i do if while its loading the map it comes up and says :

FATAL Error Bad surface extents 704/0 at position(-320,0,448)

plz help
2006 Mar 7 at 06:23 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
From www.vlatitude.com

Q. What is this "Bad Surface Extents ????/0" error?
A. This is most commonly caused by having a really large brush. Sometimes a brush doesn't necessarily have to be too large, but if the texture is scaled down too small on it, you can still get this error.

The way compiling works is that on a standard texture scale (1.0) the compiler will break that texture up according to it's scale. In the case of 1.0, it doesn't have to. However, when you scale down the compiler has to make more cuts. The lower smaller the texture becomes, the more the compiloer has to cut. If it has to cut an insane amount of times, you can get this error.

On the flip side, scaling too large can give you this error as well. The solution? Find the offending brush and cut it into two or three smaller pieces using the clip tool. This will generally solve around 95% of the problems associated with this error. However, in some cases, this error can also be generated when you have an invalid shape. These generate floating point values that cause problems during compile. You may not know what that means, but WorldCraft usually does. Go into WorldCraft/Hammer and click on map > Check for Problems. This will point you to the offending brush and either fix it for you, or allow you to delete or fix the brush yourself.

Notice that the game gave you coords too (-320,0,448)

If you go to that location in Hammer, the offending object should be nearby.
2006 Mar 8 at 00:26 UTC
2006 Mar 4 • 14
22 ₧
how would i check in hammer like the cordinates?
2006 Mar 8 at 06:25 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
In the status bar at the bottom of the window, Hammer shows you the X Y Z coords of where you mouse is pointing on any of the 2d windows.

Of course, each window is 2D so it only shows 2 out of 3 coordinates at a time, but its pretty easy to figure it out.
2006 Mar 8 at 21:55 UTC
2006 Mar 4 • 14
22 ₧
ok i think i figured it out but now im havin another problem...

lightmap for texture too large (25 x 25 = 625 luxels) cannot exceed 324

now im sure this is a pretty simple probaly and im a complete loser for not knowing it but unfourtunalty i dont....plz help
2006 Mar 9 at 05:54 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
That's weird. Save your map as a .MAP and open THAT in Hammer and re-save as a .RMF

If that doesn't work, remove everything in your map with AAATRIGGER TEXTURE and try to compile.

If that doesn't work either, hmmmmm bad.
2006 Mar 9 at 18:45 UTC
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