Doors glitch?

Doors glitch?

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2009 Nov 13 • 364
Every time I hug the doors in my map (like touching it) and when someone tries to open it on the other side. It won't open.
2009 Dec 1 at 16:15 UTC

2008 May 18 • 543
Well, if i may have understood it correctly, then you're expering a typical "bug" Who causes that? (The Valve hammer aplication or the steam, i do not know.) make sure you've made the Door correctly.

You may want to watch a proffesional tutorial.
2009 Dec 1 at 17:23 UTC — Ed. 2009 Dec 1 at 17:23 UTC

2009 Nov 13 • 364
I don't need rotating doors, I need sliding that doesn't glitch.
2009 Dec 1 at 23:43 UTC

2009 Nov 13 • 364
Even my bhop blocks, it works when I compile and play. But it doesn't work in a real server. You jump on it, doesn't go down. It goes down when you jump off it.
2009 Dec 1 at 23:49 UTC

2009 Nov 13 • 364
Anyone can help?
2009 Dec 3 at 01:48 UTC
Homicidal Anatidae

2008 Mar 5 • 1169
633 ₧
Sushi said:
Every time I hug the doors in my map (like touching it) and when someone tries to open it on the other side. It won't open.

Does it happen in other maps or only in yours?
2009 Dec 3 at 02:04 UTC

2009 Nov 13 • 364
Only mine. :/
Even my breakables. It doesn't break.
Should I post rmf to see what's wrong?
2009 Dec 3 at 02:07 UTC — Ed. 2009 Dec 3 at 02:07 UTC
Homicidal Anatidae

2008 Mar 5 • 1169
633 ₧
Can you upload the bsp?

EDIT: Must go to bed now, I'll look it up tomorrow...
2009 Dec 3 at 02:07 UTC — Ed. 2009 Dec 3 at 02:08 UTC

2009 Nov 13 • 364
Btw, you have to use a real server to really see the problem, payed servers. It works in dedicated servers but doesn't work on payed servers.
2009 Dec 3 at 02:08 UTC — Ed. 2009 Dec 3 at 02:09 UTC

2009 Nov 13 • 364
Killer-Duck said:
EDIT: Must go to bed now, I'll look it up tomorrow...

Ok, thanks. Here is the bsp file.
2009 Dec 3 at 02:10 UTC — Ed. 2009 Dec 3 at 02:11 UTC
Homicidal Anatidae

2008 Mar 5 • 1169
633 ₧
You forgot the sound-files...
2009 Dec 3 at 12:21 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
Sloth said:
Well, if i may have understood it correctly, then you're expering a typical "bug" Who causes that? (The Valve hammer aplication or the steam, i do not know.) make sure you've made the Door correctly.

You may want to watch a proffesional tutorial.

En tity. haha
2009 Dec 6 at 18:53 UTC
Page [1]