Creating items??

Creating items??

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2007 Oct 11 • 1
3 ₧
How do u create stuff like a trash can or a toilet bowl or any basics of what a house would have?

I'm trying to make a map of my house but is missing a lot of nesscary skills to do so.

Please Help

2007 Oct 11 at 21:56 UTC
Le Tigre

2006 Sep 1 • 549
16 ₧
2007 Oct 12 at 21:08 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Most stuff like that you can make yourself out of brushes.

For example, for a trash can, make a cone and slice off the tip and put a metal/plastic texture on it.
2007 Oct 12 at 23:16 UTC
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