I read the tutorial but I still need some help. Please pm me on IRC/AIM.
IRC=Pepto(i'm on gamesurge) In channels #gameplay;#rockout;#longshot.
I know how to make rooms but I need help on how to make text, kind of like on some maps people put "#therechannel" or "http://awebsite.com" or whatever. Also it's my first/second day using hammer so I need a more detailed explanation(step walkthrough) of how to make ladders/doors.
Edit : and how do you make something like a certain weapon map, like people spawn with only a deagle(with full ammo) and armor.
Thanks in advance
To make someone spawn (automaticaly) with a weapon just create an etniy block right click your etniy go to properties>Class and type
game_player_equip the go to Key and value and for the first key type targetname and for the value type round_start then create a new value named weapon_awp for example and for the value just type 1 for example which would be how many of that gun each player(s) will get.
You can also spawn a weapon on the ground create a new etniy go to properties clikc the drop down menu go to Armoury Etniy pick your gun and amount of guns you want to give out to each player and your done.