Compling HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Compling HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2007 May 17 • 4
8 ₧
Ok here...

hlcsg v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlcsg -----
Command line: hlcsg SecondMap

Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 2 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]

Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadinclude list :

0 brushes (totalling 0 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
Error: Entity 0, Brush 36, Side 1: has a coplanar plane at (1344, 1792, 64), texture CSTRIKE_ME4DCLN
Error: brush with coplanar faces
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

Error: Entity 0, Brush 36: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-9288,-2567)-(10000,9685,3757)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 36: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-9288,-2567)-(10000,9685,3757)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86, Side 2: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 36: outside world(+/-4096): (-10016,-9304,-2603)-(10016,9701,3793)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 36: outside world(+/-4096): (-10016,-9304,-2603)-(10016,9701,3793)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86, Side 3: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 36: outside world(+/-4096): (-10032,-9320,-2599)-(10032,9717,3789)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (-320, 1536, 384), texture CSTRIKE_ME2DRST
Error: Entity 0, Brush 36: outside world(+/-4096): (-10032,-9320,-2599)-(10032,9717,3789)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86, Side 4: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 36: outside world(+/-4096): (-10016,-9304,-2585)-(10016,9701,3775)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-384, 1664, 320), texture CSTRIKE_ME2DRST
Error: Entity 0, Brush 36: outside world(+/-4096): (-10016,-9304,-2585)-(10016,9701,3775)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-384, 1664, 320), texture CSTRIKE_ME2DRST
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,320)-(10000,1664,5394)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97, Side 2: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,320)-(10000,1664,5394)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97, Side 4: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,320)-(10000,1664,5394)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-384, 1536, 448), texture CSTRIKE_ME2DRST
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10016,-10016,284)-(10016,1680,5430)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97, Side 5: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10016,-10016,284)-(10016,1680,5430)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-384, 1472, 448), texture CSTRIKE_ME2DRST
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10016,-10016,284)-(10016,1680,5430)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-384, 1472, 448), texture CSTRIKE_ME2DRST
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10032,-10032,288)-(10032,1696,5426)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-384,-10000,448)-(10000,10000,7487)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10032,-10032,288)-(10032,1696,5426)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-384,-10000,448)-(10000,10000,7487)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10032,-10032,288)-(10032,1696,5426)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-384,-10000,448)-(10000,10000,7487)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10016,-10016,302)-(10016,1680,5412)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-400,-10016,412)-(10016,10016,7523)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10016,-10016,302)-(10016,1680,5412)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-400,-10016,412)-(10016,10016,7523)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 86: outside world(+/-4096): (-10016,-10016,302)-(10016,1680,5412)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-400,-10016,412)-(10016,10016,7523)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-416,-10032,416)-(10032,10032,7519)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-416,-10032,416)-(10032,10032,7519)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-416,-10032,416)-(10032,10032,7519)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-400,-10016,430)-(10016,10016,7505)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 1: has a coplanar plane at (768, 256, 704), texture CSTRIKE_WB6PLN4
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-400,-10016,430)-(10016,10016,7505)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 2: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 97: outside world(+/-4096): (-400,-10016,430)-(10016,10016,7505)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 3: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (768, -384, 704), texture CSTRIKE_WB6PLN4
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 4: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-256, 256, 704), texture CSTRIKE_WB6PLN4
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-256, 256, 704), texture CSTRIKE_WB6PLN4
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 5: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-256, -384, 704), texture CSTRIKE_WB6PLN4
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-256, -384, 704), texture CSTRIKE_WB6PLN4
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-256, -384, 704), texture CSTRIKE_WB6PLN4
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,704)-(10000,10000,704)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,704)-(10000,10000,704)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,740)-(10000,10000,740)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,740)-(10000,10000,740)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,736)-(10000,10000,736)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,736)-(10000,10000,736)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,722)-(10000,10000,722)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 141: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,722)-(10000,10000,722)
(0.39 seconds)

----- END hlcsg -----

hlbsp v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlbsp -----
Command line: hlbsp SecondMap
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file SecondMap.log for the cause.

----- END hlbsp -----

hlvis v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlvis -----
Command line: hlvis SecondMap
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file SecondMap.log for the cause.

----- END hlvis -----

hlrad v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlrad -----
Command line: hlrad SecondMap
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file SecondMap.log for the cause.

----- END hlrad -----

Need more Info? Just ask
2007 May 17 at 04:18 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
You have lots of coplanar planes and brush outside world errors.

coplanar planes
This happens where two sides of a brush are in the same plane. Compilers can't handle this. You can user Map->Check for problems... to find/fix these.

brush outside world
You have some crazy brush shapes that Hammer can't save to .MAP correctly. This causes them to 'explode' which makes them infinitely large in one or more directions. These must be deleted. Open the .MAP file directly in Hammer and you can see them for yourself they are huuuuuuuge.
2007 May 18 at 00:47 UTC
2007 May 17 • 4
8 ₧
Thx :P
2007 May 19 at 03:20 UTC
2007 May 17 • 4
8 ₧
how do I make ladders if i can't coplanar? And also i'm new to this and i'm confused by wat you mean with open the .map in hammer. How? Also i opened it in notebook and...i got confused lol
2007 May 19 at 03:27 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Hammer can open either .RMF or .MAP.

Just use the File->Open... like anything.

Coplanar errors only happen with faces on the SAME brush. It is OK to have coplanar faces on different brushes.
2007 May 21 at 21:52 UTC
2007 May 17 • 4
8 ₧
Thx for the help :P also...i know wat you mean by HUGE!
2007 May 23 at 01:27 UTC
Page [1]