Car doesnt work

Car doesnt work

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2010 Mar 8 • 232
hi i just wanted to d some run-awy cars so i created a car and all but when i try it and i get on itjust simply go down strait to floor and it buries can anyone teach me hoe to make a car? thx
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Mar 15 at 22:10 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
A less than 2 minute search would have rendered you this:

Please don't waste time with reposts.
2010 Mar 15 at 22:45 UTC
2010 Mar 8 • 232
Thaks and sorry i am new in here and i dont know anything T.T anyways thanks i will try it out
I love cows and monkeys including cookies :D
2010 Mar 16 at 00:25 UTC
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