brushes outside world

brushes outside world

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2008 Jan 19 • 9
ok.. i know theres a post on this but i couldn't fix my problem with that.. i have a small map and its all inside the grid... i also checked the .map file and didn't find anything about the brushes exploding. it shows that i have like brush 15 - 34 outside world... anyone know how i can find whatever is outside the world or can i group and copy my map to a new hammer file?

--> Nevermind.. i did export to .map(or w/e its called) again and for some reason the compiling suddenly worked... those of you with this problem should try that :)
2008 Jan 19 at 15:40 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 19 at 15:51 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6658
Also, if it tells you which brush, you can use Map -> Go To Brush Number...
2008 Jan 19 at 22:30 UTC
Page [1]