.bat file

.bat file

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2007 Nov 20 • 5
2 ₧
How do I add custom .wads to my .bat file for compiling?
2007 Nov 28 at 01:23 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
On the hlcsg line, add them like this:

hlcsg -wadinclude forest.wad -wadinclude trees.wad mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname

Or, to include ALL the wads without naming them, use -nowadtextures like this:

hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
2007 Dec 4 at 02:42 UTC
Page [1]