i can only imagine:
1. AaronJer dresses up
2. AaronJer forgets his keys
3. AJ runs back to get them
4. You two go out on anniversary
5. Ms.AJ "NAGS"
6. AJ be like "What the hell is she talking about?

7. AJ magically gets horny
8. The dinner ends
9. The two of you go back to the house
10. AJ comforts Ms.AJ
11. AJ convinces Ms.AJ to get drunk together
12. The couple watches some porn from Soft ---------------------------> Hardcore
13. Turns off lights
14. Making Love
Good Job AaronJer!
and shut up rodeo i dont want to hear you nag about my grammar and/or english
Oh stop.Your making me horny just the thoughts of something AJ would never do for me.