Do you have a max number of players set?
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2008 Dec 20 at 09:29 UTC
Mate de Vita said: Do you have a max number of players set?
Sorry I was out of town for a long time..
Anyways back to the problem how do I set a max number of players?
Maybe if I do that it will fix the problem.
I do, though, have 10 info_player_deathmatch and 10 info_player_start set into different places.
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2009 Jan 2 at 00:06 UTC
bandora said: Mate de Vita said: Do you have a max number of players set?
Sorry I was out of town for a long time..
Anyways back to the problem how do I set a max number of players?
Maybe if I do that it will fix the problem.
I do, though, have 10 info_player_deathmatch and 10 info_player_start set into different places.
If you want a map that can play on any server you'll need 16 spawn points for each team.
Anyway back to the question at hand. When you're creating a server, there should be an option (under the 'Game' tab Max. players).
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 2 at 10:00 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 2 at 10:00 UTC
well I want more than 8 vs 8 in my map.. And max players in the server is set to 18
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2009 Jan 4 at 03:16 UTC
bandora said: well I want more than 8 vs 8 in my map.. And max players in the server is set to 18
I said 16 spawn points for each team. Means 32 players in total which is the max number of players on any cs server (unless it's been 'hacked').
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 4 at 10:45 UTC
Mate de Vita said: bandora said: well I want more than 8 vs 8 in my map.. And max players in the server is set to 18
I said 16 spawn points for each team. Means 32 players in total which is the max number of players on any cs server (unless it's been 'hacked').
Oh sorry! ok.. Does that actually crash the server if 7-8 people join teams though??
I'll put more spawn points, but isn't there maps that has less than 32 spawn points?? or all of them has 32 spawn points?
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2009 Jan 4 at 20:22 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 4 at 20:26 UTC
bandora said: Mate de Vita said: bandora said: well I want more than 8 vs 8 in my map.. And max players in the server is set to 18
I said 16 spawn points for each team. Means 32 players in total which is the max number of players on any cs server (unless it's been 'hacked').
Oh sorry! ok.. Does that actually crash the server if 7-8 people join teams though??
I'll put more spawn points, but isn't there maps that has less than 32 spawn points?? or all of them has 32 spawn points?
well no it shouldn't be the reason for the server crash. I just mentioned it.
The only reason I can think of is that your computer (or the computer of whoever is hosting the server) or the connection isn't good enough for so many people at once.
Otherwise I have no idea... I'm not really a pro at this.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 4 at 20:32 UTC
Mate de Vita said: bandora said: Mate de Vita said: bandora said: well I want more than 8 vs 8 in my map.. And max players in the server is set to 18
I said 16 spawn points for each team. Means 32 players in total which is the max number of players on any cs server (unless it's been 'hacked').
Oh sorry! ok.. Does that actually crash the server if 7-8 people join teams though??
I'll put more spawn points, but isn't there maps that has less than 32 spawn points?? or all of them has 32 spawn points?
well no it shouldn't be the reason for the server crash. I just mentioned it.
The only reason I can think of is that your computer (or the computer of whoever is hosting the server) or the connection isn't good enough for so many people at once.
Otherwise I have no idea... I'm not really a pro at this.
Well it's a server hosted by a company and usually held for scrims so yes it does hold 10+ people.. it only does that on my map.. I have a feeling it's the fgd and it's from the gpe entity, but I can't seem to find a good fgd..
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2009 Jan 5 at 21:39 UTC
It won't crash the server. If there are not enough spawn points then people will spawn stuck inside each other OR it just won't let some players join a team. They'll be stuck as spectators.
You should always try to cram 32 spawn points in there just to be nice, I think.
2009 Jan 6 at 02:06 UTC
Now that I've read the whole truck:
Having over 512 entities in a map will crash the server. The game itself and admin mods and stuff create entities of their own so try to avoid having over 300 entities in your map.
I don't know why the guns are not getting deleted but that kind of thing would certainly have caused the crash.
You should never have lots of game_player_equips. That's just begging for a crash.
Counter-Strike is VERY buggy. That's for sure. Especially when it comes to multiplayer and triggers. There are very few reliable things, like resetting after rounds. As it happens, all doors are told to "close" on round reset. That's why you can trigger off that.
In awp_l337sk337, each player has his/her own teleporter and trigger targetting the game_player_equip. A game_player_equip with a TargetName will only activate when you trigger it. For some reason it works better that way.
For most stuff like this you just have to keep trying things until it (maybe) works. A lot of stuff is broken and you just can't rely on it.
2009 Jan 6 at 02:24 UTC
superjer said:
Counter-Strike is VERY buggy. That's for sure. Especially when it comes to multiplayer and triggers. There are very few reliable things...
Amen to that!!!
2009 Jan 6 at 10:35 UTC
superjer said: Now that I've read the whole truck:
Having over 512 entities in a map will crash the server. The game itself and admin mods and stuff create entities of their own so try to avoid having over 300 entities in your map.
I don't know why the guns are not getting deleted but that kind of thing would certainly have caused the crash.
You should never have lots of game_player_equips. That's just begging for a crash.
Counter-Strike is VERY buggy. That's for sure. Especially when it comes to multiplayer and triggers. There are very few reliable things, like resetting after rounds. As it happens, all doors are told to "close" on round reset. That's why you can trigger off that.
In awp_l337sk337, each player has his/her own teleporter and trigger targetting the game_player_equip. A game_player_equip with a TargetName will only activate when you trigger it. For some reason it works better that way.
For most stuff like this you just have to keep trying things until it (maybe) works. A lot of stuff is broken and you just can't rely on it.
Thanks for the very useful info there superjer. I might've fixed the problem, but I am not sure.. I will post my map as soon as I am done in the other thread (the post your maps thread)..
P.S. How many gpe entity am I suppose to put in for a 32 player map?
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2009 Jan 6 at 14:51 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 6 at 14:52 UTC
superjer said: As it happens, all doors are told to "close" on round reset.
So that's why you can use a door outside of the map to trigger all trigger_relays that reset the status of lights and stuff!
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 6 at 14:53 UTC
bandora said: P.S. How many gpe entity am I suppose to put in for a 32 player map?
If all the players are getting the same equipment then just 1.
If it has no TargetName it gets activated when you spawn.
If it has a TargetName it will only be activated when explicitly triggered by something, and the player who tripped the trigger will be affected.
Many entities work this way.
2009 Jan 7 at 02:07 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 7 at 02:09 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Killer-Duck said: superjer said:
Counter-Strike is VERY buggy. That's for sure. Especially when it comes to multiplayer and triggers. There are very few reliable things...
Amen to that!!!
off topic!!!
but now hes an hammer/off topic spam bot
2009 Jan 7 at 08:48 UTC
Ok so should I use the trigger to give the players weapons or should I just put one gpe entity. Which one do you suggest me to do?
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2009 Jan 8 at 21:27 UTC
bandora said: Ok so should I use the trigger to give the players weapons or should I just put one gpe entity. Which one do you suggest me to do?
If you want to give them all the same weapons then you put one gpe entity.
If you want to give team-specific equipment, you make 2 gpe entities.
If you want to give player-specific equipment, you make 32 gpe entities.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 9 at 12:24 UTC
Mate de Vita said: bandora said: Ok so should I use the trigger to give the players weapons or should I just put one gpe entity. Which one do you suggest me to do?
If you want to give them all the same weapons then you put one gpe entity.
If you want to give team-specific equipment, you make 2 gpe entities.
If you want to give player-specific equipment, you make 32 gpe entities.
Ty for the clarification. I wasn't clear on my last post.. I meant because the map is still crashing the server(s) when 7+ people join teams, so should I try the 32 gpe entity thing and see if that will make it work?? Btw I got 165 entities on the map so far, is that bad?
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2009 Jan 9 at 20:03 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 9 at 20:11 UTC
Yes, it could be that you're reaching the entity-limit. Almost everything in the game is an entity, when a new player connects, new entities will be created for that player, adding to the total amount of entities. If too many entities are created and you go over the entity-limit... BAM!
(Does anything get printed to the console when it crashes?)
2009 Jan 9 at 21:20 UTC
My server crashed when I had too many skins/wepmodels and the errors sign said like: too many models blahblah exeded 512 limit.
was it the server witch caused the problem or the map?
or am way off
(I just want to know, have nothing to do with pandora's problem)
2009 Jan 9 at 21:37 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 10 at 00:03 UTC
You know the thing is that I checked the logs when it crashed.. I posted it before in this fire truck (second post).. It goes from people joining to server has changed level (crash).
Here's what I put there:
Quote: L 12/11/2008 - 17:38:58: -------- Mapchange to fs_trampoline --------
L 12/11/2008 - 17:38:58: [admin.amxx] Login: "R@W[FS] #fskillz<44><"xx><>" became an admin (account "xx") (access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz") (address ""xx")
L 12/11/2008 - 17:38:58: [admin.amxx] Login: ":| [FS]<39><"xx><>" became an admin (account ""xx") (access "bcdefghijklmnopqrstuz") (address ""xx")
L 12/11/2008 - 17:38:58: [admin.amxx] Login: "SKILLER[FS] #fskillz<50><"xx><>" became an admin (account ""xx") (access "bcdefghijklmnopqrstuz") (address ""xx")
L 12/11/2008 - 17:39:05: [admin.amxx] Login: "SKILLER[FS] #fskillz<54><"xx><>" became an admin (account ""xx") (access "bcdefghijklmnopqrstuz") (address ""xx")
L 12/11/2008 - 17:40:14: -------- Mapchange to de_dust2 --------
Although this one is from another map that I made (it's doing the same thing with the map that I am currently working on).
Bandora = tomato in arabic.. GOT IT? :)
And don't ask why I picked this nickname.. LOONG STORY!
2009 Jan 9 at 22:02 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 9 at 22:05 UTC