About func_vehicle ( a problem )

About func_vehicle ( a problem )

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2014 Apr 27 • 46
Hi, I Created a vehicle in my map using func_vehicle entity, But when exporting to bsp file and testing my map, I go to my vehicle to see if it works, and when I press E then I want to drive it using Z or D or A or S, just I click one of theses buttons, and My vehicle goes outside the word I think and dissappears. Any help?
2014 Jul 20 at 19:29 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
You made need top add an origin brush to the entity. Haven't seen this happen before though.
2014 Jul 20 at 21:28 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
Look my friend, I will show you all what I did with pics:
1st pic: http://prntscr.com/44o6jj
2nd pic: http://prntscr.com/44o6uw
3rd pic: http://prntscr.com/44o72q
4th pic: http://prntscsr.com/44o7ag
By the way, All the properties of the func_vehicle and path tracks and fucn_vehiclecontrols I followed this website and I followed what he did : http://www.countermap2.com/Tutorials/tutorial5255.html?id=9
This is a little demo to show you my problem That I wrote Below, If you want to see it download it first then put it in your cstrike folder, open cs and type in console: viewdemo demo_vehicle_bug and press enter and u start watching it
Link of demo to download >>: http://www.speedyshare.com/xuG68/demo-vehicle-bug.dem

P.s: I fixed the problem of the vehicle that disappears somehow and Now I m facing another problem: When I want to drive my vehicle, I press E then press Z to drive it forward, it blocks at its same place, then I want to not drive the vehicle, so I press Space button and I die: 1000dmg taken, and after I die the vehicle starts to work, I spawn again and same problem happens....
You can see in demo that the vehicle is not on the ground, even if I make it on the ground,it wont work..

Any help pls?
2014 Jul 20 at 22:47 UTC — Ed. 2014 Jul 20 at 22:50 UTC
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