2 problems

2 problems

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2014 Apr 27 • 46
Hi, I have 2problems
1/ When I try to export to bsp file using .bat file and .map file It becomes very very slow when I add this : http://prntscr.com/45x8xk
And when I remove it it becomes normal when exporting
2/ http://prntscr.com/45x8xk Can I make this windmill working with a button?

please reply and help me..
2014 Jul 24 at 17:27 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
What is slow, exactly? The compiling process?

If haven't already, you should make an object like that into an entity.

Select the whole thing, Ctrl+T, and choose func_wall.

What do you want the button to do?
2014 Jul 24 at 20:33 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
SuperJer said:
What is slow, exactly? The compiling process?

If haven't already, you should make an object like that into an entity.

Select the whole thing, Ctrl+T, and choose func_wall.

What do you want the button to do?

The exactly slow compiling process is LeafThread. And i want the button when i press it the windwall starts to turn in a circle way, like in real life. Plz tell me how with details
2014 Jul 24 at 21:32 UTC — Ed. 2014 Jul 24 at 21:32 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
LeafThread should not be effected by entities, so make sure to do like I said. It is normal for a complex map to take a long time, though. I used to have maps that took several hours to compile.

For the windmill, make it into a func_rotating, and make sure to include an ORIGIN brush in the middle. You should be able to target it with a func_button. I don't remember all the details off the top of my head, so try that and let me know how it goes.
2014 Jul 24 at 23:17 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
SuperJer said:
LeafThread should not be effected by entities, so make sure to do like I said. It is normal for a complex map to take a long time, though. I used to have maps that took several hours to compile.

For the windmill, make it into a func_rotating, and make sure to include an ORIGIN brush in the middle. You should be able to target it with a func_button. I don't remember all the details off the top of my head, so try that and let me know how it goes.

The problem is that I did the windmill a func_wall entity, so I can not ungroup and choose the necessary element, How to ungroup them? tell me pls so I can try what SuperJer said
2014 Jul 25 at 02:17 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
You can use Ctrl+W to get undo the Ctrl+E. Make sure to turn the non-spinning part back into a func_wall. You don't want to leave little detailed things in the worldspawn.
2014 Jul 25 at 03:52 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
SuperJer said:
You can use Ctrl+W to get undo the Ctrl+E. Make sure to turn the non-spinning part back into a func_wall. You don't want to leave little detailed things in the worldspawn.

I made it func_rotating but it doest rotate like i want it to rotate. If i give you the .rmf file you can do it for me plz?
2014 Jul 25 at 14:11 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Nope. I don't even have Hammer installed. What is it doing? Rotating the wrong way?
2014 Jul 25 at 18:10 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
SuperJer said:
Nope. I don't even have Hammer installed. What is it doing? Rotating the wrong way?

Yes it rotates in a wrong way, If you want I give you bsp file to see? and then tell me what do I need to write in options of func_rotate plz.
2014 Jul 25 at 19:34 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
I don't know the answers. All I would do is guess and check until it works. But it's your map, so you do it!

There should be options in the entity for "reverse direction", "x axis" and "y axis". Try changing those to get it to do what you want.
2014 Jul 25 at 21:48 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
SuperJer said:
I don't know the answers. All I would do is guess and check until it works. But it's your map, so you do it!

There should be options in the entity for "reverse direction", "x axis" and "y axis". Try changing those to get it to do what you want.

Ok, Now I have another thing: In wally program, I want to create wad file that contains my texture:
1/ I have 2 photos. One of them, when I do 'paste as new' and write name of texture, the photo comes without colors or very ugly. Solution?
2/ the second photo it pastes normally, but when I add the wad file to hammer and add the texture and export and enter cs to play the map, the loading blocks at 'starting local game server'. Solution plz?

How can I make my own sky to put it in my map? tell me plz
2014 Jul 25 at 23:05 UTC — Ed. 2014 Jul 25 at 23:12 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Ghaith1 said:
One of them, when I do 'paste as new' and write name of texture, the photo comes without colors or very ugly. Solution?

Wally is bad at reducing the color depth. Use a different program to convert it to 256 colors and then paste it in.

Ghaith1 said:
2/ the second photo it pastes normally, but when I add the wad file to hammer and add the texture and export and enter cs to play the map, the loading blocks at 'starting local game server'. Solution plz?

I'm not sure about this one. Are you sure it has to do with the WAD file? What size is your image?

Ghaith1 said:
How can I make my own sky to put it in my map? tell me plz

You need to make .tga files for the 6 sides and put them in cstrike/gfx/env/skies. If your sky is named xxx then the files need to be:

2014 Jul 25 at 23:59 UTC — Ed. 2014 Jul 26 at 00:05 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
What s the program you advice me to use? Except wally
2014 Jul 26 at 00:46 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Well you can use photoshop or gimp for making tga files...
Free Steam Games
2014 Jul 26 at 01:24 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
I use Gimp. Most people already have a favorite image editor.

And while you're at it you should make sure your textures are one of these sizes:


Anything else is likely to cause problems.
2014 Jul 26 at 01:50 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
SuperJer said:
I use Gimp. Most people already have a favorite image editor.

And while you're at it you should make sure your textures are one of these sizes:


Anything else is likely to cause problems.

Ok and what about this problem of the vehicle?: First of all i want someone to tell me with details how to create a vehicle(options of func_vehicle ). My problem is when i test the map i want ro drive my jeep , i press E then Z to drive and the vehicle dissappear and i cant drive it anymore And im woundering if i move the path_track from front or side a little bit to top to make it above ground, is that the prob? (If i let the path_track on ground when testing my vehicle 1/2 of it appears and the other half is under the ground and cant drive it..) Solution please
2014 Jul 26 at 18:20 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Do you have an origin brush in the func_vehicle? I think the origin brush will align with the path_track. So if you put the origin brush just above the ground, then you can put the path_track the same distance above the ground.
2014 Jul 26 at 18:26 UTC — Ed. 2014 Jul 26 at 18:27 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
SuperJer said:
Do you have an origin brush in the func_vehicle? I think the origin brush will align with the path_track. So if you put the origin brush just above the ground, then you can put the path_track the same distance above the ground.

I have an origin brush, and I set the 2 path tracks exactly same distance between ground and path_track, but still vehicle doesnt work, it only works when I press E, then Z to move and drive it and Then I press Space button, so I die with 'damage Crush' (I set it 1000), and just after I die the vehicle starts to work ( PS: even If i put the damage crush=1 and then jump like I do when it is 1000 it doesnt work, it only starts to work after I die )... Solution please
2014 Jul 26 at 21:30 UTC — Ed. 2014 Jul 26 at 21:33 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
I noticed that in console too:
TRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
TRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
TRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
TRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
TRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
TRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
TRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
TRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
TRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
Particleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesParticleman is out of memory, too many particlesTRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
TRAIN(Vehicle1): Blocked by player (dmg:1.00)
Admin| Ghaith killed self

Help please
2014 Jul 27 at 17:06 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Sorry. I don't know how to fix that.

Maybe try making a simpler shape for the vehicle? Why do you think you are getting caught on it?
2014 Jul 28 at 03:11 UTC
2014 Apr 27 • 46
I tryed making a very simple brush, and made it func_vehicle, and it works normally, So the problem is the shape of my vehicle?
2014 Jul 28 at 08:45 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
I guess so. Remember this game is 16 (!!) years old. It can't handle very much complication. If your vehicle is much more than a box, that may be the problem.

You can try adding CLIPs to simplify the shape without affecting the look of it. That may help.
2014 Jul 28 at 18:57 UTC
Page [1]