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I didn'tget it. I am able to find some system between changetargets, releys and so one. But I must know, which entity stays unchanget to the next round (thats mean: stay unrestarted). Because you can make as complicated system of changetargets as you want, but when it is restarted every round, it does still the same..
well.. what format do you have? .map ? and what format do you want? I gues you meaned .bsp (thats the map format which could be played by CS/HL). You need to compile it in your editor or some other program. ZHLT compile GUI for example.
that's simple. Just put trigger_camera (point entity) into the corner and set some target (target: something) and than make info_target (point entity) at the position where you want your camera to aim to. And set the name (name: something).
![]() User
I added teleports under each of info_player and made theyr targets in playing area. than I add change_targets for all of teleports to change theyr destinations to the different side of playground but I don know, how to turn theese changetargets on every second round.
Please don't ask me to download your map awp_lsb because there is too many spawns and weaponstrips and leaches and I don't know what else and its unposible to follow just the idea of changing spawns. I analysed that part to part but without solution.. |