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Posts written by Sirhc:

No errors at all except in console for overview files. What I was saying was I didnt think you could successfully compile with those not running, maybe that sounds the same but either way no, no errors
Why wouldnt they be? Is it even possible to compile without those running?
I found the problem, its a trigger_teleport in a spawn that is located outside the actual map itself. Its the set that has 2 spawns side by side. I tried deleting it to see if I could still play but no matter which team I choose or even spectate I just get a black screen
Sky texture counts as a wall or ceiling for map
Also mouse scroll makes grid smaller/larger and holding alt while resizing allows you to not snap to grid.
I do have zhlt compilers i went thru the tutorial so i know how to save and create maps, though not all the advanced things like triggers which is why i dont know how to fix the problem.

Since sdaw didnt understand my first post i will restate that i open leetskeet map and WITHOUT changing anything if i try to compile it i get that error. I did that because when i did edit small things (no triggers, just textures) i got the problem and seeing if it was my fault i compiled the original one.
I was editing the l337sk337 and even with out saving it if i try to compile it as it originally is i get hlcsg: Error: Exceeded MAX_SWITCHED_LIGHTS
Description: The maximum number of switchable light entities has been reached
Howto Fix: self explanitory

seeing as how its not my map I don't know where the error is in the actual map, pretty sure its not the actual lighting so any help is appreciated