theodoros95theodoros95User name
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2011 April 10
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2011 May 16 at 08:24 UTC
What is that program? in Vidja Games
I have a little problem. I can't see textures on models.
2011 May 15 at 21:05 UTC
What is that program? in Vidja Games
Thanks for your help. I have downloaded cinema. Is it easy to use?
2011 May 15 at 13:43 UTC
What is that program? in Vidja Games
I think it is Cinema 4D. Can you see it and tell me if is it that?
2011 May 15 at 10:19 UTC
What is that program? in Vidja Games
Check it again.
2011 May 14 at 20:29 UTC
What is that program? in Vidja Games
I want to learn the name of this program. Can anyone help me?
2011 May 6 at 19:05 UTC
skybox error in Hammer Mapping
I don't know, can you explain to me please how to use a sky texture?
2011 Apr 22 at 13:24 UTC
skybox error in Hammer Mapping
Hi, I'm trying to add sky to my map with skybox and it doesn't works. When i run the map i am seeing the skybox and not the sky. Can anyone help me?
2011 Apr 13 at 14:21 UTC
Compile maps to Half Life 2? in Hammer Mapping
SRAW said: The source sdk is for the latest version of source... you probably need to get an update for hl2 if you're being a pirate.
I have the latest version and i can play to the setti servers.
2011 Apr 12 at 15:50 UTC
Compile maps to Half Life 2? in Hammer Mapping
I have done a map and I tried to run it but I received the error:
"CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: Map 'maps/cs_mine.bsp' bsp version 21, expecting 20". What is bsp version and how can i change it?
2011 Apr 12 at 11:13 UTC
Compile maps to Half Life 2? in Hammer Mapping
But with Alien Swarm SDK I can only compile maps to play with Alien Swarm, isn't it?