Shuaib95Shuaib95User name
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2010 May 27
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2010 May 31 at 12:05 UTC
How do make wads and write on walls ? in Hammer Mapping
I was wondering what should I do to write on a wall in cs ? I know that I had to make a wad file with wally with the letters needed but of which size should my blocks be so that there is no confusion?
2010 May 29 at 12:06 UTC
BIG PROBLEM WITH MY Valve Hammer Editer !!!! in Hammer Mapping
Killer-Duck said: Seems like a dodgy prefab, don't use it.
Why even use a table-prefab anyway!? How hard could it be to build a table yourself? It's just a flat surface supported by a few legs... the prefab was actually a super-well datailed table with at least some 35 solids in it .......
2010 May 29 at 12:06 UTC
BIG PROBLEM WITH MY Valve Hammer Editer !!!! in Hammer Mapping
superjer said: It's not necessarily the prefab's fault nor yours. Hammer is rife with bugs. There's no reason it should ever let you create infinite-sized brushes in the first place.
In my experience you just have to deal with it. Delete and rebuild. But also try to pamper Hammer a bit and you'll be less likely to run into these bugs. Don't create extra-huge or strangely-shaped brushes. Keep them on the grid. Don't put them anywhere near the edge of the grid if you can avoid it. Make everything out of the simplest, most medium-sized pieces possible. thx 4 the tip
2010 May 28 at 14:37 UTC
BIG PROBLEM WITH MY Valve Hammer Editer !!!! in Hammer Mapping
checking in the.rmf file makes no difference . the only thing that is working is deleting the solid and rebuilding it. I have also notice that this error occurs often when I have resized the solid.
2010 May 27 at 15:54 UTC
BIG PROBLEM WITH MY Valve Hammer Editer !!!! in Hammer Mapping
I don't really know because actually it was a prefab that I downloaded ......
2010 May 27 at 13:42 UTC
BIG PROBLEM WITH MY Valve Hammer Editer !!!! in Hammer Mapping
I check it solid by solids and I found out by that the malfunctioning solid was a table ... dunno why though ????
2010 May 27 at 13:12 UTC
BIG PROBLEM WITH MY Valve Hammer Editer !!!! in Hammer Mapping
It says that there are no errors ......... Should I delete brush by brush to know what is wrong ???
2010 May 27 at 10:19 UTC
BIG PROBLEM WITH MY Valve Hammer Editer !!!! in Hammer Mapping
Just take a look at the pictures !!!!!!!!
This is before I converted it to .map ........... ![]() This is after I converted it to .map ........... ![]() Why are so many objects missing and why do I have such a huge ground floor ....... Is this a problem in my map/textures/software ??? Please HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S ... i tried re-installing hammer ..... |