isaac360isaac360User name
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Registration date
2007 June 7
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7 ₧
i eat poop for breakfast
2007 Sep 11 at 14:28 UTC
Any map ideas? in Hammer Mapping
DUNE BUGGIES make a frikin desert map with dune buggies! i tried but i suck at cars
2007 Sep 11 at 14:21 UTC
Not found? in Hammer Mapping
2007 Sep 11 at 14:20 UTC
-wad include in Hammer Mapping
try separating them like "dust.wad" "cstrike.wad" ect.
2007 Sep 11 at 14:19 UTC
-wad include in Hammer Mapping
try separating them like "dust.wad" "cstrike.wad" ect.
2007 Sep 11 at 14:10 UTC
background Music in Hammer Mapping
ive seen it done. you went closer to the middle of the mpa and it got louder sorta like a light entity it would be as an add-on
2007 Sep 9 at 07:09 UTC
My 1st aiight map in Hammer Mapping
hey this is the 1st room of a map i've started to mae but i dnt know what else 2 put in it. any ideas?
2007 Jun 10 at 14:37 UTC
another q: how do i pick starting weapons? in Hammer Mapping
hey i just want 2 make a map whre you start with a knife and pick up grenades but i dont know how to change from starting with a pistol to a knife any1 know how to help?
2007 Jun 10 at 14:35 UTC
how do i put weapons on the floor of the map? in Hammer Mapping
hey thanks thaw was helpful
2007 Jun 9 at 15:07 UTC
how do i put weapons on the floor of the map? in Hammer Mapping
hi, ive made a kickass fy map accept i dnt know how to put wepons on the floor or make it so you cant buy anything in it. help anyone please?