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2010 December 23
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Recent posts by guava

Recent posts by guava

2011 Jan 14 at 20:08 PST
Outlaws in Vidja Games
Ahh Outlaws, thanks for the memories...

p.s. I had to use codes to beat the game
2011 Jan 8 at 13:43 PST is pretty good, has lot of users but the maps can take some time to be displayed on the site once uploaded. has a lot of users but also can take some time for the maps to be shown once uploaded. is good in that maps are uploaded immediately, but the site has really lost a lot of users over time and doesn't seem to have as many as the other two sites.
2010 Dec 27 at 14:56 PST
Experienced mappers will know this but I didn't so in case anyone else can make good use of this ill post. Just set a trigger_hurt that covers the entire area you want the regen to occur, then set the damage to a negative number like "-chickennuggets". I think I used -40 to heal players to full hp in somewhere around 3 seconds. It's cool but I couldn't figure out how to give players 100+ hp I think some kind of mod is needed. Also, you will still die if someone does 100 damage to you near instantly like an awp shot to the dome or some quick deagle headshots. This is pretty fun to play around with though and players can last a lot longer during rounds this way.
2010 Dec 27 at 14:47 PST
sprites in Hammer Mapping
I think if you select the sprite entity, then go to its properties there should be a sprite name selection and you can browse to one from there. You can also use clycler_sprite the same way for more options.
2010 Dec 27 at 09:10 PST
Thanks but I removed all fudge from my map and no dice. Also, I'll check if I accidentally put in some random entities but only ones I know I used are the usual light,wall,armory and that stuff. I think the only change I made to the originally working parts of the map was I put the null texture on some things.
2010 Dec 24 at 09:36 PST
Thanks but I checked for one earlier and it didn't make one. I guess it froze before it could even begin any analyzing stuff. The odd part is that I had 2/3 of the map done and it was working. Then I added the 3rd section and it messed up, so I removed the 3rd section and it was still messed up...
2010 Dec 23 at 14:01 PST
Hi, when I try to add bots to my map cs freezes as soon as the "Analyzing..." label appears. I tried deleting several portions and no dice. The map itself isn't anything too crazy so I don't know what the fudge is causing the freezing, also I tried reinstalling zbot. Any info on what might cause the bot navigation process to bug out map wise? Thanks