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2008 November 3
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Do not ask me if you got a question about god.

Recent posts by FiskeN

Recent posts by FiskeN

2008 Nov 6 at 06:45 UTC
Edan had that avatar before him, i think.
2008 Nov 5 at 16:06 UTC
- Your own maps - in Hammer Mapping
Ok! Here is one of my maps. It's a small knife map, maybe fun to LAN it? Please rate.

Maptype: Knife (Small map)
Name: De_glazbox
Size of players: About 68 players can fit, whouldent recommend thou!
2008 Nov 5 at 12:34 UTC
Aim map questions in Hammer Mapping
Great post!
2008 Nov 5 at 06:53 UTC
"Interesting. Very interesting:"

Down Rodeo
2008 Nov 4 at 20:26 UTC
Stupid but cant solve it in Hammer Mapping
What .wad files do you have in your texture group?
2008 Nov 4 at 10:45 UTC
- Your own maps - in Hammer Mapping
Not sure if we already got a thread like this, but i'll make it anyways. Admin can take it away if there already is one.

- In this thread you can send your own made maps to let the other people in this forum try them/use them and ofcourse rate them.

2008 Nov 4 at 10:43 UTC
Background or sky? As in dust, office etc?
2008 Nov 4 at 08:22 UTC
SuperJer rocks! in General
I guiss we can put it in Mapping then? Sounds like the perfect place for.. maps.

Shall you or i?
2008 Nov 4 at 08:15 UTC
SuperJer rocks! in General
Great! Havent played it thou.

Is there already a thread wich you can post your own maps to let other on Superjer try them out or shall we make one?
2008 Nov 4 at 08:04 UTC
Only knives in Hammer Mapping
About this question, game_player_equip. Do i have to put it under each player or just one each map?

Because i put out about 10 info_start_player on CT and 10 info_start_deathmatch on T side. Do i only have to put 1 on each side to cover the whole map or how is it whit that? Not able to try it on thou i run the game whit only myself.