I am sure you have heard this before, and frowned and said wtf is he thinking. But nonetheless, here it is, can you make your own guns for cs [whether through Hammer or another program]?
Haha, thats right, I asked it.
That really was a stupid question wasn't it?
2009 Sep 14 at 05:18 UTC
umm im not shur is you can make one... but you can make a skin with some program
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Sep 14 at 06:24 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Not for CS really. Effectively new guns need to be added by code I think though I don't have a CS install to check. I assume they are hardcoded but I am not sure. There might be a config file somewhere I suppose... What you would need to do anyway is model the replacement, you need to use some kind of 3D editor to do that.
2009 Sep 14 at 11:23 UTC
You can re-model them (i.e. give them a new look and animation) but you cannot change any of their properties (rate of fire, accuracy, damage, clip size, ammo type, etc.) without some coding (meaning making a mod).
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Sep 14 at 16:00 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Sep 14 at 16:01 UTC
Ok so I downloaded some skins for my weapons, and their sick.
but im the only one who has these kick ass skins is that how it
works? can the other people see my sick ass weapons too?
2009 Nov 15 at 18:05 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Unfortunately no. There's actually a difference in how CS renders the guns on the ground and that other players have, as compared to the guns that you see in *your* hands. The ones on the ground are a full gun model, not very high poly, the usual. OTOH the ones you can see on the screen are personal to you and are modelled only in the areas you can see them. They have higher polygon counts and nicer textures (but don't affect what other players see).
2009 Nov 15 at 18:11 UTC
ya thats relley why i don't fuck with it the only time i changed the model was when the gay machine gun had the rotating barrel
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 Nov 15 at 20:35 UTC
What's wrong with people now a days?
Someone actually put a scope on a shotgun, and the machine gun, and a pistol. In fact, the only thing I haven't seen a scope on is grenades. I mean seriously, what the hell is a scope on a shotgun going to do for you? Shotguns aren't long range weapons, you might as well put a scope on an ax.
People need to get learned.
2009 Nov 16 at 12:33 UTC
sprinkles said: What's wrong with people now a days?
Someone actually put a scope on a shotgun, and the machine gun, and a pistol. In fact, the only thing I haven't seen a scope on is grenades. I mean seriously, what the hell is a scope on a shotgun going to do for you? Shotguns aren't long range weapons, you might as well put a scope on an ax.
People need to get learned.
CoD4 - ACOG scope on a shotgun. Srsly.
And I've actually seen people use that.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Nov 16 at 12:54 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Nov 16 at 12:54 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Hmm, stick on stopping power, prone, steady aim, still useless :p
Though in Borderlands some shotguns have sights, but that's because some shotguns are hilarious weapons that fire rockets, or have bullets that melt people, or... Hey, where are you guys going?
2009 Nov 17 at 12:26 UTC
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