What's the best way to test server stuff?

What's the best way to test server stuff?


2008 Jul 5 • 583
295 ₧
I'm working on a very basic project in html and javascript, but it requires sending information from a file to a server to be used in another file. Creating .html files and working on them in a folder is easy peasy, but what do I do if I want to just practise the most basics of server stuff?
Is there a way of just connecting to like\filelocation\file or something?
(I do not need to access these things from outside of the local network)
Today's post brought to you by the letter: "heck".
2016 Dec 3 at 14:44 PST
2015 Aug 30 • 12
Sure! Just run a webserver on your computer.

You can run Apache for instance and then connect to localhost like you said.
2016 Dec 3 at 21:38 PST
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