ADVERTISMENTS!!!This shall be the solution to our whole superjer is dieing problem xD
well not really but its a nice thought haha
But even then, I had my honor. The largest Banora White tree grew on a wealthy man's estate. It was rumored, that those apples tasted the best, but I never stole from that tree, because the wealthy man's son, was my friend...
2010 Feb 7 at 17:19 UTC
I would like to advertise that i am searching someone with skills about Game servers, if anyone here knows anyone that knows someone that has a server company that they could provide a little server for somekinda sloth stuck in the jungle hung his own parents. Or if anyone could teach how to open my own port .? (dedicated)
2010 Feb 7 at 17:51 UTC
PS: how do go hypernate in vista?
2010 Feb 7 at 17:51 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
samething as sleep
2010 Feb 7 at 18:10 UTC
Sloth said: PS: how do go hypernate in vista?
Give it some corn.
jrkookid said: If you pay a simple one time only fee of FREE then you can now be on the pill. Whats the pill? Its called "Suck My Toe!" It is approved by the officials of Havokk Industries. The pill allows your body to resist any urges or cravings. So get on the pill and order now! Wait if you order Suck My Toe in the next few seconds then you will recieve double wait no TRIPLE the offer! Call 1-800-SUK-PILL NOW!
2010 Feb 7 at 19:58 UTC
sprinkles said: Advertisement!
jrkookid said: If you pay a simple one time only fee of FREE then you can now be on the pill. Whats the pill? Its called "Suck My Toe!" It is approved by the officials of Havokk Industries. The pill allows your body to resist any urges or cravings. So get on the pill and order now! Wait if you order Suck My Toe in the next few seconds then you will recieve double wait no TRIPLE the offer! Call 1-800-SUK-PILL NOW!
I assure you as President of Havokk Industries that this pill does work! I have personally taken Suck My Toe and i have to tell you its fantastic. I have no cravings and no urges left. Thousands of people enjoy Suck My Toe and use it everyday in their life. whats best is that you only have to take it once a day.Releasing the burden of all the candy cravings or masturbation urges. Its great for Fat people who have to masturbate with their tears. Buy Suck My Toe now. and you'll be surprised on how much you will love it. I was.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war. Down Rodeo said: Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that 
2010 Feb 7 at 20:11 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Feb 7 at 20:11 UTC
SolidKAYOS said: sprinkles said: Advertisement!
jrkookid said: If you pay a simple one time only fee of FREE then you can now be on the pill. Whats the pill? Its called "Suck My Toe!" It is approved by the officials of Havokk Industries. The pill allows your body to resist any urges or cravings. So get on the pill and order now! Wait if you order Suck My Toe in the next few seconds then you will recieve double wait no TRIPLE the offer! Call 1-800-SUK-PILL NOW!
I assure you as President of Havokk Industries that this pill does work! I have personally taken Suck My Toe and i have to tell you its fantastic. I have no cravings and no urges left. Thousands of people enjoy Suck My Toe and use it everyday in their life. whats best is that you only have to take it once a day.Releasing the burden of all the candy cravings or masturbation urges. Its great for Fat people who have to masturbate with their tears. Buy Suck My Toe now. and you'll be surprised on how much you will love it. I was. 
So what are the side effects?
2010 Feb 7 at 20:20 UTC
Oh just some minor side effects you wouldn't have to worry about.
Sleep Talking,
Sleep raping,
Sleep eating,
Sleep masturbation,
Potential threats from aaronjer,
Large ejaculations,
Larger genitals,
Potential rape of aaronjer,
Potential rape from aaronjer,
Sleep killing,
Sleep dieing,
Sleep pissing,
Sleep shitting,
Sleep crying,
Sleep drinking,
Sleep smoking,
Potential rape from someone you wouldn't believe to be raped from but unfortunately is,
Sleep marriage,
Sleep one night stands,
Sleep laughing,
Sleep sleeping.
Oh and Sleep sucking on aaronjers toe.
Make awkward sexual advances, not war. Down Rodeo said: Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that 
2010 Feb 7 at 20:29 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Feb 7 at 20:33 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Damn, I thought there would be some effects but sleep sleeping is too much. I'm out.
2010 Feb 7 at 23:21 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
WAIT! If you call now I will give you a 50 NO 55% OFF ON ALL PRODUCTS made from Havokk Industries. If you are completely unsatisfied with Suck My Toe and want to get a refund then TOO BAD if you even try to call customer support of even the police we will personally go over your house and KICK YOUR ASS WITH CHUCK NORRIS and MR.T. Order today!!!
2010 Feb 8 at 00:35 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Feb 8 at 00:35 UTC
jrkookid said: WAIT! If you call now I will give you a 50 NO 55% OFF ON ALL PRODUCTS made from Havokk Industries. If you are completely unsatisfied with Suck My Toe and want to get a refund then TOO BAD if you even try to call customer support of even the police we will personally go over your house and KICK YOUR ASS WITH CHUCK NORRIS and MR.T. Order today!!!
That is like 2 for 1!
Sign me up!
2010 Feb 8 at 01:24 UTC
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