stupid error!!

stupid error!!

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Nov 26 • 9
14 ₧
I have a annyoing error on my map!!!'

when i check my map for problems I find: ivalid solid structure(or something like that) i press fix nothing happens

when i press go to error... my very small pipe get selected.

I tryed to delete the block then making a new one the same error appear..

that pipe is important to the map so deleteing it is not a soulution

what should I do???

2006 Nov 26 at 08:46 UTC
Le Tigre

2006 Sep 1 • 549
16 ₧
How many faces does have?
2006 Nov 26 at 16:07 UTC
2006 Nov 26 • 9
14 ₧
how do i check that??
2006 Nov 26 at 19:52 UTC
Page [1]