one way breaking glass

one way breaking glass

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2007 Jan 13 • 39
12 ₧
okay so i have a question....... how do you make glass that is only breakable through one side of it and not on the other side???
2007 Feb 17 at 21:14 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
yeah? and how do u make like some glass that is see through on one side (de_vegas style in that bomb room)
2007 Feb 17 at 23:10 UTC

2006 Dec 4 • 50
13 ₧
"ritual" said:
okay so i have a question....... how do you make glass that is only breakable through one side of it and not on the other side???
Yea, is this possible? It would be quite neat.
WinVista,??......Fuck Off!...
2007 Feb 20 at 19:33 UTC
2007 Jan 13 • 39
12 ₧
i have seen it in awp_skeet and awp_snowsk337
2007 Feb 23 at 05:13 UTC
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