I have created map with much models (about 50 tree mdls), and when I runned the map, selected the team, the map just closed. And that's happening every time I running the map. Here's the cs console log:
Console initialized.
Base networking initialized.
"sv_cheats" changed to "1"
Initializing deltas
Protocol version 47
Exe version (cstrike)
Exe build: 17:28:54 Jun 6 2005 (3147)
40.0 Mb heap
GL_VENDOR: aticfx32.dll
GL_RENDERER: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series
Sound Initialization
Set primary sound buffer format: yes
2 channel(s)
16 bits/sample
11025 bytes/sec
DirectSound initialized
Sound sampling rate: 11025
Loaded library demoplayer.dll.
Loaded library core.dll.
Creating fake network channel.
Loaded library core.dll.
DemoPlayer module initialized.
Parsed 353 text messages
WARNING: failed to locate sequence file global
joystick not found -- no valid joysticks (a5)
execing hw/d3d.cfg
execing valve.rc
execing language.cfg
"deathmatch" changed to "1"
execing hw/d3d.cfg
execing config.cfg
"sv_aim" changed to "0"
execing userconfig.cfg
MP3_InitStream(29, media\gamestartup.mp3) successful
Adding: cstrike/dlls\zbotcz.dll
Dll loaded for mod Half-Life
execing skill.cfg
Spawn Server *mymapname*
Clearing memory
Using WAD File: 50 cent.wad
Using WAD File: aim_glock18.wad
Using WAD File: bricks.wad
Using WAD File: cs_747.wad
Using WAD File: cs_apartement.wad
Using WAD File: cs_bdog.wad
Using WAD File: cstrike.wad
Using WAD File: de_dust.wad
Using WAD File: development.wad
Using WAD File: halflife.wad
Using WAD File: roofs.wad
Using WAD File: cs_office.wad
Using WAD File: ajawad.wad
Using WAD File: cached.wad
Using WAD File: chateau.wad
Using WAD File: cs_747.wad
Using WAD File: cs_assault.wad
Using WAD File: cs_bdog.wad
Using WAD File: cs_cbble.wad
Using WAD File: cs_dust.wad
Using WAD File: cs_havana.wad
Using WAD File: cs_office.wad
Using WAD File: de_airstrip.wad
Using WAD File: de_aztec.wad
Using WAD File: de_piranesi.wad
Using WAD File: de_storm.wad
Using WAD File: decals.wad
Using WAD File: itsitaly.wad
Using WAD File: n0th1ng.wad
Using WAD File: prodigy.wad
Using WAD File: torntextures.wad
Using WAD File: tswad.wad
Using WAD File: ajawad.wad
Using WAD File: catpee.wad
Using WAD File: lenta.wad
Texture load: 47.6ms
WARNING: failed to locate sequence file *mymapname*
"sv_maxspeed" changed to "900"
Executing listen server config file
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\well_cover_you_you_defuse.wav'
InstallTutor - Tutor Setting is 0
0 entities inhibited
PF_MessageEnd_I: Unknown User Msg 127
"sv_accelerate" changed to "5"
"sv_stopspeed" changed to "75"
Game started
execing listenserver.cfg
"sv_maxspeed" changed to "320"
"sv_maxrate" changed to "25000"
"sv_cheats" changed to "0"
"sv_allowupload" changed to "0"
"sv_friction" changed to "4.000"
"sv_minrate" changed to "2500"
"sv_stopspeed" changed to "75.000"
"mp_autoteambalance" changed to "0"
"mp_limitteams" changed to "0"
"mp_friendlyfire" changed to "1"
"mp_forcechasecam" changed to "2"
"mp_autokick" changed to "0"
"mp_hostagepenalty" changed to "0"
"mp_c4timer" changed to "35"
"mp_roundtime" changed to "1.75"
"mp_freezetime" changed to "4"
"mp_buytime" changed to "0.25"
Server logging data to file logs\L0312008.log
"pausable" changed to "0"
Local connection.
Connection accepted.
Compressing split packet (7792 -> 4240 bytes)
Server # 1
Serverinfo packet received.
Remote host: -=**Server**=-
Spooling demo header.
"sv_cheats" changed to "1"
SteamWaitForResources() time: 0.000 seconds
Compressing split packet (18685 -> 7090 bytes)
Verifying and downloading resources...
Setting up renderer...
SKY: desertrt, desertbk, desertlf, desertft, desertup, desertdn, done
Compressing split packet (5255 -> 2554 bytes)
Ignoring custom decal from assault marine
Executing listen server config file
*myname*<1><VALVE_ID_LOOPBACK><>" entered the game
Compressing split packet (1551 -> 1040 bytes)
CL_SignonReply: 1
35.4 megabyte data cache
CL_SignonReply: 2
assault marine connected
Couldn't open file overviews/*mymapname*.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/*mymapname*.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Executing listen server config file
"assault marine<1><VALVE_ID_LOOPBACK><>" entered the game
"assault marine<1><VALVE_ID_LOOPBACK><>" joined team "CT"
assault marine is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Host_Error: PF_precache_model_I: 'models/w_medkit.mdl' Precache can only be done in spawn functions
Executing listen server config file
"*myname*<1><VALVE_ID_LOOPBACK><>" entered the game
"*myname*<1><VALVE_ID_LOOPBACK><>" joined team "CT"
"*myname*<-1><><CT>" disconnected
Executing listen server config file
"*myname*<1><VALVE_ID_LOOPBACK><>" entered the game
"*myname*<1><VALVE_ID_LOOPBACK><>" joined team "CT"
"*myname*<-1><><CT>" disconnected
World triggered "Round_Draw" (CT "0") (T "0")
Executing listen server config file
"assault marine<1><VALVE_ID_LOOPBACK><>" entered the game
"assault marine<1><VALVE_ID_LOOPBACK><>" joined team "CT"
"assault marine<-1><><CT>" disconnected
World triggered "Round_Draw" (CT "0") (T "0")
World triggered "Round_End"
Netchan_Clear() : reliable length not 0, reliable_sequence: 220, incoming_reliable_acknowledged: 0
Netchan_Clear() : reliable length not 0, reliable_sequence: 14, incoming_reliable_acknowledged: 1
WHAT'S WRONG ????????