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2005 Nov 26 • 177
-1 ₧
2010 Mar 20 at 07:16 UTC — Ed. 2010 Mar 20 at 07:53 UTC

2005 Nov 26 • 177
-1 ₧
2010 Mar 21 at 01:03 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
It's interesting but does seem a little too... artificial. It's the fact that it's signposted all the way through and sure enough, it happens. Subtlety can be good too :p though the effect certainly works well enough. :)

(This is me talking about the first version)
2010 Mar 21 at 01:10 UTC — Ed. 2010 Mar 21 at 01:11 UTC

2005 Nov 26 • 177
-1 ₧
Yeah man I completely understand where your coming from and in my next movie I plan on having more subtle story. The artificial meteor is the best I can do I'm slowly trying to get better with special effects. Hope you liked it and hope superjer makes mcdiddys 3. Again thanks
2010 Mar 21 at 01:23 UTC
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