There I'm lost. i can't get a faster connection, I stay on a farm with nothing else but a normal phoneline there is nothing like broadband around this area.
There I'm lost. i can't get a faster connection, I stay on a farm with nothing else but a normal phoneline there is nothing like broadband around this area.
Down Rodeo Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Best not to try. The admins here get cranky (how I ended up as 'Fuckhead'). Initially points were awarded based on how long you'd been here. Medals are given at random (people seem to want them for some reason). The one I have was given for participating in "Find the Hole 2".
Ok I need help with steam. I installed steam and updated it but if I want to run it, it says steam is already running where can I get in steam to download source sdk?