Please some tell me how to make a knifes only and 35hp in hammer Editor
Thank you !!
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 1 at 17:26 UTC
omg not another 35hp map
anyway what were we talking about? something about knives and 35 hp or something? ok.
To make a knife only map you make a buyzone for both teams somewhere unreachable (preferrably in a wall so that they can't get to them even with settings like gravity 50 or something) and then make a game_player_equip for both teams and only put Yes as a value under give knife.
To make the players unable to buy anything, you can also use the info_map_parameters (a cs only entity - you need a cs fgd to see it) and set the Weapon_buying to none, or no team or whatever it is. But I'd rather stick with the first method.
To make the 35hp you could make the spawn points in the air and make it so that the players fall through a trigger_once when they respawn and that trigger_once targets a game_player_hurt with 65hp of Damage to apply.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 1 at 18:37 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 1 at 18:41 UTC
how do i make the buyzone ?
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 2 at 06:06 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
make a brush and ctrl+t and select funk_buyzone
2009 Jan 2 at 06:09 UTC
i still dont under stand
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 2 at 07:08 UTC
i dont understand how to make the knife thing and to make the 35 hp thing PLEASE HELP !!!
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 2 at 08:10 UTC
Do you know how to make an entity?
2009 Jan 2 at 08:19 UTC
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 2 at 08:24 UTC
Mate de Vita said:
To make a knife only map you make a buyzone for both teams somewhere unreachable and then make a game_player_equip for both teams and only put Yes as a value under give knife.
To make the players unable to buy anything, you can also use the info_map_parameters and set the Weapon_buying to none
2009 Jan 2 at 08:35 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 2 at 08:35 UTC
I think he only knows how to make a point entity (since SJ didn't include brush entities in his guide).
Anyway cstriker to make a buyzone you have to do this:
first of all make a brush where you want your buyzone to be (in this case in a wall). Then select that brush and press CTRL+T (or right-click on it and click on Tie to entity). Then from the list select func_buyzone. Voila, here's your buyzone.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 2 at 10:05 UTC
i did all what u told me but when i finished making the map .... when i enterered counter-strike 1.6 and started my map counterstrike closed at me please tell me the problem and what should i do ?
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 2 at 11:47 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 2 at 11:48 UTC
cstriker said: i did all what u told me but when i finished making the map .... when i enterered counter-strike 1.6 and started my map counterstrike closed at me please tell me the problem and what should i do ?
are you using the zhlt compile tools like it says in the guide?
if you are then you shouldn't have to run cs at all. You just have to run the .bat file and it should run cs and your map automatically.
if you're using the zhlt then please post the content of your .bat file.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 2 at 11:51 UTC
SRAW said:
he means he runs his map and cs closes, nothing to do with the bat file contents
Well that's what I'm talking about. If he's using the zhlt like it says in the guide then cs should run automatically.
EDIT: wtf? you deleted your post! asshole
EDIT 2: also why do you guys have almost the same posting colour? It's annoying.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 2 at 11:56 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 2 at 11:57 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
mate de vate said: i believe elvis is still alive
2009 Jan 2 at 11:57 UTC
wow when did I say that?
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 2 at 11:59 UTC
Quote: are you using the zhlt compile tools like it says in the guide?
if you are then you shouldn't have to run cs at all. You just have to run the .bat file and it should run cs and your map automatically.
if you're using the zhlt then please post the content of your .bat file.
yes im using the zhlt compile tool like it says in guide
and when i start the .bat cs doesnt runs automatically
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 2 at 15:45 UTC
cstriker said: Quote: are you using the zhlt compile tools like it says in the guide?
if you are then you shouldn't have to run cs at all. You just have to run the .bat file and it should run cs and your map automatically.
if you're using the zhlt then please post the content of your .bat file.
yes im using the zhlt compile tool like it says in guide
and when i start the .bat cs doesnt runs automatically
well it should... Please post the contents of your bat file.
Also check in which directory you have Counter Strike (e.g. C:\Program Files\Valve or something) and tell me what the name of your map is.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 2 at 16:11 UTC
Mate de Vita said: cstriker said: Quote: are you using the zhlt compile tools like it says in the guide?
if you are then you shouldn't have to run cs at all. You just have to run the .bat file and it should run cs and your map automatically.
if you're using the zhlt then please post the content of your .bat file.
yes im using the zhlt compile tool like it says in guide
and when i start the .bat cs doesnt runs automatically
well it should... Please post the contents of your bat file.
Also check in which directory you have Counter Strike (e.g. C:\Program Files\Valve or something) and tell me what the name of your map is.
@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy knifez.bsp "C:\Documents and Settings\HAHA\Desktop\Counter-Strike 1.6\cstrike\maps"
cd C:\half-life
hl -dev -console -game cstrike +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname
and the map name was just knifes nothing wrong with that name right ?
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 2 at 17:08 UTC
cstriker said: @echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy knifez.bsp "C:\Documents and Settings\HAHA\Desktop\Counter-Strike 1.6\cstrike\maps"
cd C:\half-life
hl -dev -console -game cstrike +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname
and the map name was just knifes nothing wrong with that name right ?
No nothing wrong with that name EXCEPT for the fact that you only wrote it in one place in the bat file and where you did write it, you spelled it wrong (knifez instead of knifes - oh and just btw it should be knives  ).
You have to replace ALL the mapnames with the name of your map, not just a random one. And you also have to spell the name correctly.
Because as it is, the bat file will try to compile a map called mapname, won't find it, try to copy knifez.bsp, won't find it and then it will run cs, try to start a new game with the map mapname.bsp and again won't find it so it will close.
So straw, now you see I was right! HA!
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 2 at 17:26 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 2 at 17:27 UTC
ok but i have a question in the
@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy knifez.bsp "C:\Documents and Settings\HAHA\Desktop\Counter-Strike 1.6\cstrike\maps"
cd C:\half-life
hl -dev -console -game cstrike +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname
should i change the "cd C:\half-life" to my cs folder ?
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 2 at 17:35 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 2 at 17:36 UTC
that should be the directory in which you have cstrike.exe
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 2 at 17:41 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Jan 2 at 17:41 UTC
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 2 at 17:41 UTC
Mate De Vita i only got i problem left everything worked exept when i finished everything and made the thing you told me but when i entered the game i had a pistol and knife and i cant buy thats good but how do i remove the pistol and make it only "knife"
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 4 at 09:05 UTC
cstriker said: Mate De Vita i only got i problem left everything worked exept when i finished everything and made the thing you told me but when i entered the game i had a pistol and knife and i cant buy thats good but how do i remove the pistol and make it only "knife"
did you make a game_player_equip entity for both teams in which you only have Give knife set to yes?
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Jan 4 at 10:46 UTC
yes only for knife
Eagle is leaving the builing.
2009 Jan 4 at 11:05 UTC