I tried to make my own map in counter-strike 1.6. everything works as it should up until i start via the .BAT file. in the game, when it's loading, it says "no info_player_start". it is there, in a room without leeches. and it is not stuck in the floors or walls. please help it's really frustrating.
2011 Jan 10 at 18:50 UTC
info player start is a CT spawn do you have it? on map (it´s long green sqare)
2011 Jan 10 at 19:06 UTC
yes, aswell as the info_player_deathmatch for the T
2011 Jan 10 at 19:16 UTC
ok then post your compile log (yourmapname.txt)
2011 Jan 10 at 19:18 UTC
— Ed. 2011 Jan 10 at 19:18 UTC
what? im n00b at this
2011 Jan 10 at 19:19 UTC
— Ed. 2011 Jan 10 at 19:19 UTC
when you start compiling cmd.exe wites: error on the map, check ::yourmapname::.txt that folder creates under your batch file
2011 Jan 10 at 19:35 UTC
the error message appears when the game loads, and i havent heard of any .exe files nor any .txt files. excluding the .txt i used to create my .bin
2011 Jan 10 at 19:49 UTC
oh yes that saying when game loads so look if you doesn´t have info_player_start in flooror look in proerites of wait a day for anserws of rockbomb or SRAW
2011 Jan 10 at 20:11 UTC
mato_mato said: when you start compiling cmd.exe wites: error on the map, check ::yourmapname::.txt that folder creates under your batch file
The compile log is called <mapname>.log
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2011 Jan 11 at 09:11 UTC
but i still can't find this .log file. in what folder is it?
2011 Jan 11 at 09:15 UTC
It should be in the same folder as your compile tools, your .map file and your .bat file.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2011 Jan 11 at 09:16 UTC
my .bat file and my .map file are not in the same place....
2011 Jan 11 at 14:59 UTC
wait no i found it
2011 Jan 11 at 15:00 UTC
should i post the text in the document?
2011 Jan 11 at 15:01 UTC
I was able to make it work somehow. i first deleted all the spawn points and put up alot more of them. thx for all help
2011 Jan 11 at 16:07 UTC
My points value is a hilarious example of numerical humor.

2009 Dec 13 • 567
80,085 ₧
Re-read the tutorial and the god damn FAQ.
2011 Jan 11 at 16:30 UTC
if you think i didnt read it, ur wrong, and the second time, when it worked, i did nothing different than the first time. and now it doesnt work again
2011 Jan 11 at 17:38 UTC
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