new error
hlcsg: Error: Could not open wad file \documents and settings\elizabeth\my documents\mapping\wad
hlcsg: Error: Could not find WAD file
Description: The compile tools could not locate a wad file that the map was referencing.
Howto Fix: Make sure the wad's listed in the level editor actually all exist
hlcsg: Error: Could not open wad file fgd files\wads\cstrike.wad
hlcsg: Error: Could not open wad file fgd files\wads\decals.wad
hlcsg: Error: Could not open wad file fgd files\wads\halflife.wad
hlcsg: Error: Could not open wad file fgd files\wads\oldtrafford.wad
hlcsg: Error: Could not open wad file fgd files\wads\xeno.wad
I dont know why its doing that, the .wad files are in the place where its supposed to be.
2009 Mar 15 at 17:27 UTC