the title could speak for itself, but i will explain;
useally you press "fix all" right? well most of time anyways, i myself try find the problem before resolving to it, this time i resolved to that option so.. when i press fix all, i check did they go away, no, still gives me the same errors.
compiling the map crashes, got all vis,rad,csg,bsp ON while compiling, even when its "not responding" on taskmaster, i end hlrad and hlvis as i assume its not doing anything else than beeing dead, the compiling comes to end tho in hammer. Ingame it looks like this:
so it didnt do .rad or .vis, but its somehow playable. and thats about how big the map is, as in no, its not big.. not @ all grr
what can i do? had this nonable to fix all problems on another maps also.