.bsp -> .rmf and more . . .

.bsp -> .rmf and more . . .

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2009 Jan 29 • 20
Can a .bsp be turned into a .rmf ?

Can the .wad be edited and/or written by hand?

Can personal images be turned into skins?

Can the skins be sorted better? ... wait I know they can, I mean is it possible to take the existing texture files and organize them according to type? E.g. there are electronics which can be put into electronics.wad, and walls should go into walls.wad, and etc.

The current state of the texture files half-life, cstrike, and zhlt makes it very difficult to do a search for that perfect texture.

my faith
2009 Feb 8 at 09:58 PST — Ed. 2009 Feb 8 at 10:01 PST
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
LivingDog said:
Can a .bsp be turned into a .rmf ?

Theoretically yes, but the result will not be what you'd want it to be.

LivingDog said:
Can the .wad be edited and/or written by hand?

Can personal images be turned into skins?

Can the skins be sorted better? ... wait I know they can, I mean is it possible to take the existing texture files and organize them according to type? E.g. there are electronics which can be put into electronics.wad, and walls should go into walls.wad, and etc.

In the mapping FAQ eDan Co. said:
Q: How do I make my own textures?

You'll need to download and install program called Wally.

1. Make a .bmp of what you want you texture to be.
(The texture size needs to be multiplications of 16. Examples: 16x16 pixels, 32x16 pixels, 96x96 pixels, 80x64 pixels... and so on...)

2. Open Wally and go to File->New.

3. A window titled 'Create New Texture' will open. You can set only one thing in that window- 'Type'. Set the 'Type' to Half-Life Package [wad3] (.wad)

4. Drag and drop the .bmp you made on to your New Texture in wally. You can add as many textures as you want to your .wad file.

5. Save your file in you Counter-Strike directory.

6. Load the texture in Hammer. (Tools-> Options-> Textures-> ADD WAD.)
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Feb 8 at 10:06 PST — Ed. 2009 Feb 8 at 10:06 PST

2009 Jan 29 • 20
Can the .wad be edited and/or written by hand?

Can the skins be sorted better? ... wait I know they can, I mean is it possible to take the existing texture files and organize them according to type? E.g. there are electronics which can be put into electronics.wad, and walls should go into walls.wad, and etc.


Am I correct in assuming that the answer to both of these questions is "no"?

... hmmm ... maybe Wally can do it for me.

WALLY Solution:

1) skin -> .bmp
2) Open Wally
3) .bmp -> skin
4) place newly recreated skin in a .wad file of your choice!
5) Open VHE and ADD WAD
6) say "wheeeee I did it!"

et viola' - organized skins by type :smug_and_pompous:


I'll have to try it... thx again bud, beer's on me.


This is absolutely the right way to go. I can't stand surfing over waves of unnecessary textures to find that one little texture. The learning curve is finally moving upward.

dy/dx > 0


my faith
2009 Feb 8 at 11:04 PST — Ed. 2009 Feb 8 at 11:19 PST
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
LivingDog said:

...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Feb 8 at 11:18 PST

2009 Jan 29 • 20
And it's sooo easy.

Two points:

1) .wad can be placed anywhere. A good place is C:\<wad>.wad. Why? B/c we like you? ... no, b/c VHE has a small window for the .wad files, and if your looking for a floor or an image of Al Bundy you won't see which is which unless you memorized the order of your now lengthy list of ORGANIZED (I'm so happy ... :___ ) .wad files.

2) .jpg is ok - but grainy when magnified.

my faith
2009 Feb 8 at 11:46 PST
Page [1]