

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2010 Jan 28 • 14
How do i create a bombsite for the terrorists to plant the bomb? And will random terrorist automatically start with the bomb or do i need to make something for that too?

Someone help me ^^

And also, how do i make the counter-terrorist's start with def kit in this case?

Didnt find it in faq

2010 Jan 29 at 23:48 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
For the bomb site jus' make a brush (the size you want your bomb site to be), and tie it to func_bombsite.
The terrorist automatically, at random, spawn with the bomb.
And, would you please restate your last question.
2010 Jan 30 at 00:46 UTC — Ed. 2010 Jan 30 at 00:47 UTC
2010 Jan 28 • 14
sprinkles said:
For the bomb site jus' make a brush (the size you want your bomb site to be), and tie it to func_bombsite.
The terrorist automatically, at random, spawn with the bomb.
And, would you please restate your last question.

Thanks, the last question:
How do i make the counter-terrorists spawn with a defuse kit?

(Excuse my english, im from sweden and im 13 years old)
2010 Jan 30 at 01:10 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
It would be player_weapon_equip I believe.
2010 Jan 30 at 02:08 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
MartinMartin said:
Didnt find it in faq

the_cloud_system said:
Q: How do I make things break when the C4 goes off?

Create a func_bomb_target where you want the terrorists to be able to plant the bomb.
In its properties set the target to multi.

Make a multi_manager and give it the name multi, disable smartedit and press add. In the 'key' field write exp and in the 'value' field write 0.
Press add again, in the key field write brush and in the value field 0 again.

Select the brush that you want to blow up, press ctrl+t and select func_breakable from the list. Give it the name brush. In the flags check trigger only.

Make an env_explosion inside the brush, name it exp and set the magnitude to wahtever you want.

i know it didint directley point to it but this will help
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jan 30 at 02:08 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
sprinkles said:
It would be player_weapon_equip I believe.

its game_player_equip , but i dont think it can give defuse kits
so why dont you try armoury_entity, although i dont think it can give kits either

your best bet is to use a amxx plugin like this , and note i have completely forgotten the syntax so...
amxx code
#include <amxmisc> #include <amxmodx> public plugin_init(){ set_task("givething",<loop forever thing>) } public givething(id){ if(cs_get_user_team(id)==CS_TEAM_CT){ give_item("item_defusekit") } }

.. some thing like that
Free Steam Games
2010 Jan 30 at 08:23 UTC
Page [1]