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Posts written by sportsmant:

what if i dont know how to make a door lol?

kk got the ladder thing

but when i do the door the wall moves out towards me why dont it move left to right and how come its to big i need to make it smaller how i make smaller?
sorry troi i figured out the other 2 things and got it fixed i got maps worken now just i need some small problems fixed.

first how do u stop crates from being pushed around?

another how do u add doors with ease and be able to open with a button?

how to add ladders to a map?
seems like when i try to run the map keeps haven trounle compileing it?

anyone know how to fix?
everytime i open a map for test the cs closes with a fatal error it says

Warning: Couldn't open verastage wad.wad.

how do i stop it from doing this?
is crates just a wall with a crate lookin texture or sumthing. or is it an object?
um i kinda lost my picture in the 3d spot and i use it alot how do i find it i tried to just move it around but i still cant find my 3d model in it lol.
wait when i make walls i have to overlap everyone. b/c i keep noticen the error thing tells me there is a hole in the map but i dont know am i suppose to overlap or not?
i got the map made and everything and spots put in no ere file made then when i pressed a key to continue the Cs started opening but the map wouldnt load? then i got some wierd error message and cs shut down

says cant open the wad file for some reason.