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Posts written by paradox_:

thanks very much :)

aim_paradox is almost ready :P
i copy all to another project, problem solved :)

one thing, why my textures dont fix? i mean, i put a box texture in a cube, when i move the cube the texture moves to
i add the initials wads, i replace them and it give me the same problem :|
oh f*ck now i remember, i erase a important .wad...

thanks for the help
thanks, but the problem i think is a missing texture, how can i detect all the textures in the map?

and if the problem is the space between the texture name?

a list of the using textures will be great
hey guys, my map works fine, but i few hours ago i tried to make teletransport, i dont know if that causes the problem, but i make everything rigth with the .bat file and its reports when i load it:

hlcsg: Error: Missing '[' in texturedef (U)
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem
