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Posts written by Niwo:

Where do i find valave hammer editor 4 allowing me to make maps for CS:source?
8164 faces
Create Patches : 81596 base patches
0 opaque faces
1413304 square feet [203515904.00 square inches]
Error: Exceeded MAX_PATCHES
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

I could not find the ZHLTProblems.html file anywhere, so now i ask here. What does it all mean? What do i have to do to fix it?

Please, help. - Niwo.
Okay, thanks.
How in the heck do i add the "origin texture" to an brush? I can't seem to find it anywhere...
Oh, didn't see that one
No, it says that my .wad file isn't surported since it is wad2 and not wad3, or something like that. Therefor the hammer won't load my wad.
Thanks, but the hammer doesn't allow me to use the .wad files i make. Whats wrong?
How do I add an image to my map? Let's say that i drew a smiley in ms paint, and now i want it to be on my map.

Anyone knows how to?
Yeah, i did. Never mind. Did anyone know how to make to put up a banner on the map?
Thanks Ehm about the search feature... i can't get it to work. I search the wished forum, but the same topics come up, as if I had just normally entered the forum page.
the bomb thing works, but the sky thing doesn't. I typed dust,morning but nothing really happened. what's wrong?
okay, i am making a map for a cs clan called [Z]ero. What i need is to create a nice little sky, two bombsites, and a banner for the clan. How would i do that?

please, it would be wonderfull to know.
Bombsites? How to create those?

also, how would you make a reasonable sky?
Thanks again superjer.
Sweet! It worked I am now making an new map, which i call de_doublebox. More Questions:

Can a server run with a homemade map?

Are there any rules for calling your maps stuff like "De_whatever", "Fy_whatever" and so on? I guess there is, but what re the rules?

And, one more thing, how to create buy-zones?
Yup, i solved it. Of some reason the compiler has to be at the same directory as the game. But i have another problem now. When i rn my map in cs, i start as a ct, which can fly all over the place, has no ammo, or no HUD at all. And when i swicth to terroist, the game just ends. It crashes I followed superjer's example, so i guess it shouldt be doing that. right?
I followed the instructions of SuperJer's map making step-by-step thingy. But it won't work! When i try compiling my map, it says something about a directory or something. Maybe it's something about the .bat file?

[code:1]@echo off
hlcsg mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy mapname.bsp "E:\CS yay !\SteamApps\xx_wosylus_xx\counter-strike\cstrike\maps"
"E:\CS yay !\Steam.exe" -applaunch 10 -dev +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname[/code:1]

what could it else be? please, help me. you'll get a cookie if you're lucky