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Posts written by Killer-Chicken:

Thanks alot for your help guys
How does zm_boatescape do the round end all die thingy anyway? ==

And to make a sliding door you use func_train rite?
@.@ no one can help?
Killer-Duck said:
Killer-Chicken said:
Hey guys i need help with something

I created a map blah blah blah...
then put a trigger_multiple targeted to a trigger_hurt for the whole map. It works, however, after a few rounds, the trigger_hurt doesn't reset @.@
It resets for the first few rounds, but for the next few it just stays there and murders all the players in cold blood.
Any reasons why this happens?

Additional info:
Delay before reset is 5.
all the rest of the values are the same, except for damage

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this setup?

Its like a map like zm_boatescape etc, the person who reaches the ending point wins as the rest of the players die.

/ /
O---- Dead O
\ \ /|\
/ \ Winner
Trigger_hurted Ending point

The trigger hurt is supposed to disappear the next round, but after a few rounds, it stays there and kills everyone for each following round. Any reason why that happens? ==

Another matter: Is it possible to create a door that will slide up at breakneck speed when the winner reaches the trigger_multiple? The trigger_multiple can only target one other thingy at a time...
oO no one knows the solution?
Hey guys i need help with something

I created a map blah blah blah...
then put a trigger_multiple targeted to a trigger_hurt for the whole map. It works, however, after a few rounds, the trigger_hurt doesn't reset @.@
It resets for the first few rounds, but for the next few it just stays there and murders all the players in cold blood.
Any reasons why this happens?

Additional info:
Delay before reset is 5.
all the rest of the values are the same, except for damage