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Posts written by -WildBill-:

okay, i just found out that only a few of the prefabs i get actually work for some reason, and others don't. regardless, i found out that they're not .mdl files, which i guess is sorta what i thought it'd be at first. how do you add .mdl files into your map? are they supposed to show up under the prefabs dropdown box too?
yeah i know. i dlick on the dropdown box and nothing happens, so something is up. would reinstalling hammer fix it, ya think?
well, do you have arctic.wad in your counter-strike\cstrike\ folder? i think it goes there, or if not then in your cstrike\maps\ folder, but i'm pretty sure it should be in cstrike. if not, then google it, download it, and put it in your cstrike folder.
yeah, like i have the red arrow tool thing selected, but when i look under "categories" it only has the option of "primitives" and nothing else...
um... okay. can anybody at all help me?
would anyone out there be so kind as to point me to a link to some sort of tutarial on how to add prefabs to you map? i've googled, searched far and near, and to no avail. the closest thing i could find was where it told you to select your block tool and then look over on the right side of the screen in the dropdown box where it says "categories" but when i do that the only option under the dropdown box is "primitives". please help. thanks in advance!
nvm, i tried just running the map even when i said error and it seemed to work fine. thanks for the help anyways!
before i start, i wanna say that i'm completely new to mapping (started yesterday) and was told that the tutorial here was the best one for absolute beginners. i followed it completely and got everything right up to the point where you run the .bat file to compile it. i got the .err file. but i opened the .log and it said the problem was a leak, and that the leak involved my info_player_deathmatch (t spawn) entity. i made sure it was within the 4 walls (i did the single room tutorial) and tried it again. same thing. i moved it to the dead center of the room where it would have no possible interference with anything, and the same message came up.

i originally had the room sealed off but with none of the brushes overlapping, and instead just sitting right on top of/next to each other, so i tried extending each one so that every one overlapped with whatever it was originally next to. i tried it again, and still got the same message about the info_player_deathmatch. i tried running the pointfile thing and followed the path, but the line that went from the outside to the inside just went straight through my solid ceiling brush and out through the middle of the solid wall brush. is that where my leak is? how do i fix this?! please help, im so new to this

thanks in advance to anyone who can help me here!