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Posts with 'felons canasta ectypes':

Did you mean mastics sedative serails?

This is all I could find on Mr. Ribbon... it seems he's very secretive with his information, even though he said he'd release everything in his auto-bio. I think he has brain issues. The only reason I'm even posting this is because Cammi seems to have locked him out of the Server somehow... while funny it is also *VERY* annoying, Cammi, that you would undermine my authority. (You could have just asked me to ban him, I hate him too you know! *cry*)

[Mr. Ribbon pictured in his classic fall and spring outfits, the clone on the right was shot and recycled as kibbles and bits moments after this picture was taken.]

Name: Real Name Confidential
Callsign: Mr. Ribbon, aka Ribbers
Gender: Male
Nationality: Unknown European
Birthdate: mid 1980's
Age: approx. 21
Blood type: O
Height: 1.93 m (6' 4")
Weight: 86.18 kg (190 lb)
Fighting Style: Unknown, variable, very reactive and adaptable
Occupation: Vagrant
Hobbies: Battling JMD for superiority, harming Cammi Falls, finding ways to ressurect himself.

Ribbon styles himself as the True Leader of Red Team in exile, while the Pole-Socking administration has decreed he is unfit as a Captain and as a Pole-Socking player in general. His violent and brutal fighting style brought considerable shame on the old Ministry of Pole-Socking, and is part of the reason they were disbanded. To keep the league from being shut down completely, Ribbon was disbarred and unceremoniously dumped in a river (by JMD, via helicopter). Since then he has repeatedly whined a lot, and thrown tantrums in the public spectators lounge. After the injury of 3 security guards and the death of 1 particularly nosey reporter (watch yourself around him, Elenkos!) he was black listed from the entire institution. He is now kept at a distance of no less than 30 miles from all Pole-Socking related events by snipers and automated surface-to-air missile launchers.

Disturbing rumors arise however that Ribbon plans to assassinate Cammi Falls, for he believes she is somehow at fault for his excommunication. Even wilder rumors suggest he believes killing Cammi will somehow reinstate him as Red Team's Leader. However, no longer a rumor due to recent vidoe footage by Pole-Socking Administration spies, we now know Ribbon is massing a large military force in an underground space station laboratory on the moon. His forces consist of mostly convicted felons: murderers, kidnappers, and rapists... all believed to be heavily armed and armored with direct neural mind-control links hooked up to Ribbon's massive Supercomputer and/or Weather Changing device. It seems Ribbon found an outstanding deal on excess inmates in for life or on death row. It is not a comforting thought that they are now mindless cyborg zombies under a true maniac's control.

That's all I got, I wonder what he plans to do with all those soldiers? I bet he's just using them to defend his moon palace... the sly old fox.