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2008 December 26
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Recent posts by zxcvb7653

Recent posts by zxcvb7653

2008 Dec 28 at 09:16 UTC
but is the same as the one i read be4!!!
2008 Dec 27 at 10:15 UTC
i duno how to use zhlt
2008 Dec 26 at 14:30 UTC
but i need to test it, play it in the game
2008 Dec 26 at 13:08 UTC
I went to the stage when.....

Go back into Hammer and click File->Export to .MAP. Save you map as 'mapname.map' in the folder where you just created 'mapname.bat'. Then close Hammer and go back to the folder where 'mapname.bat' is.

Now right click on 'mapname.bat' and choose Edit. This should cause Notepad to open with nothing in it. Type the following stuff into the document exactly as shown, replacing 'mapname' with whatever name you are actually using:

Without Steam
@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy mapname.bsp "C:\half-life\cstrike\maps"
cd C:\half-life
hl -dev -console -game cstrike +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname

"C:\half-life" may not be the correct location of Half-Life on your computer. Make sure you type the correct location on both the lines where it says that.

When you're sure you have it right, save the file and close Notepad. Then double click on the file 'mapname.bat' to run it. Lot's of confusing stuff will show up in a command window as ZHLT compiles your map. When it is done you will see (at the bottom):

Press any key to continue . . .

But i couldn't get the the "confusing stuff" show up, when i double click it it just go back into the notepad editing bit
plz help me!!!!