

User name
Assigned title
The artist formerly known as RibsRizeRainbmo
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Registration date
2010 April 15
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0 ₧
Your Basement

Recent posts by protobuf

Recent posts by protobuf

2011 Jul 21 at 04:15 UTC
I added a google maps view (top down) and a chat log at
2011 Jul 8 at 02:40 UTC
May I has whitelisted please?

username protobuf
2011 Mar 3 at 21:42 UTC
Sick vid
2010 Jul 7 at 23:40 UTC
New swear word in General
I was talking to superjer and we discovered a word that doesn't exist, but which said aloud definitely sounds offensive. The word is bidgit. It only sounds offensive when spoken out loud, not in writing. What is the best phrase you can come up with using the word bidgit?
2010 Jun 25 at 20:47 UTC
achievement_all_v4 TF2 map in Hammer Mapping
2010 May 28 at 17:08 UTC
CSS Or HTML Linebreaks IN Words in if( while ) switch{ coding } ++
The following CSS3 properties may work, but I don't think they're supported in most browsers.

text-wrap: unrestricted;
word-wrap: break-word;
2010 May 13 at 23:35 UTC
sprinkles said:

Wait, she's like 12...

I think she's actually 18, married, and has two kids. Not sure though, I don't speak french.
2010 May 13 at 16:05 UTC Captcha in Vidja Games
I am not RibsRiseRainbmow. That jerk copied my name and spelled it wrong.
2010 May 13 at 03:36 UTC Captcha in Vidja Games
How astute... as a matter of fact, I *do* have physical access to "lala", the server. But that's not how my screenshot got in the lies folder, and it didn't require any leet haxoring. I just had superjer put it there so I could stop bitching about the lack of an uploader on the forum.
2010 May 13 at 03:31 UTC
Programming Languages in if( while ) switch{ coding } ++
You definitely don't want any spaces in your Brainfuck code